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A Realtor and the Internet

By Megan Rutherford | December 16, 2013

Have you ever stopped to think about the power of the internet and how it affects your daily life and your business as a realtor? Allow me to throw just a few mind blowing statistics your way about the internet. Did you know that there are 2.4 billion internet users worldwide? In face every second there are 8 more new internet users to add to that astronomical figure. Furthermore, YouTube videos accumulate 4 billion views each and every day. Across the internet there are 637 million websites and every 60 seconds Google gets 2 million new search queries performed. These statistics are all proof that most of the world has gone digital and the internet has intertwined itself into both our personal and business lives.

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Thus, since the advent of the internet, it has changed the way that realtors do business. For buyers it’s where they start their purchase process and in the case of sellers it’s where they begin the pre-listing research. Believe it or not back before the internet it took an actual hardcopy MLS book that was published by the local real estate board office each month to see what properties were on the market. Fast forward to the internet era and now all property listings are easily accessible online (both to you as an agent and to the consumer that is looking to buy or sell). While this leads to a more educated consumer, it also lends itself to a more opinionated client. It’s not just floor duty that generates leads any longer, but rather your website and other internet based methods of marketing your services as a realtor. In all reality it’s tech-savvy consumers that have forced the change of how realtors conduct their business. According to the National Association of Realtors, 41% of a realtor’s business development is spent on online marketing activities and 66% of realtors also felt that a good web presence attracts buyers.

Believe it or not, sites like Zillow and Trulia don’t handle everything real estate related. Although they may be able to provide a good ‘Zestimate’ they don’t take on the role of handling difficult contracts and negotiations, which is what a realtor is for and can still do well in the era of the internet.

The internet, if you haven’t embraced it fully yet then you need to! Most every home and realtor search begins online therefore it is crucial to have an online presence and be connected through a variety of internet based platforms such as a good website, email and social media accounts.

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