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Home » Search Results for '3D-printed home'
Industry Technology, Real Estate Technology

Homebuilder Lennar to create largest 3D-printed home community in Austin

By Mike Wheatley | October 28, 2021
Homebuilding giant Lennar is building what will be the U.S.’s largest community of 3D-printed homes so far in Austin, Texas through a partnership with the startup ICON. The builder, one of the biggest in the U.S., said the high-tech construction method will help it to overcome some labor and materials shortages that have hampered the […]

Millennials say they'd definitely consider living in a 3D printed home

By Mike Wheatley | August 24, 2021
Consumers are warming up to the idea of 3D-printed homes, with more than two-thirds of respondents in a recent survey saying they’d definitely consider living in such a structure. The survey found that the concept is even more appealing to younger generations, with 75% of all millennials saying they would consider living in a […]
Home Builders/Developer's, Real Estate Technology

Will hemp homes solve the building material shortage?

By Mike Wheatley | August 5, 2021
Sky rocketing prices for building materials have been a common complaint from home builders over the past year. The costs of lumber, steel and concrete have all soared, and now some are promoting the idea of hemp as a more affordable alternative. Hemp does contain cannabis, but the concentration of THC is much, much lower […]
Real Estate Technology

SQ4D's claims first ever 3D printed home MLS listing

By Mike Wheatley | February 3, 2021
A 3D printing company that specializes in building homes has just seen its first such building listed for sale on the MLS after receiving a certificate of occupancy. SQ4D Inc., which built the $299,000 property in Riverhead, New York, said that most of the building was constructed by a robot, before being finished by human […]
Featured News, US Real Estate

New Story builds its first 3-D printed homes for low income families in Mexico

By Mike Wheatley | December 19, 2019
3-D printing is being pitched as the answer to solve a worldwide shortage of affordable homes, and it can do so quickly as it’s possible to construct a home in this fashion within just 24 hours. A report from highlights the efforts of Icon, a construction technology startup based in Austin, and housing nonprofit […]
Featured News, Real Estate Technology, US Real Estate

Chinese firm 3-D prints an earthquake-proof home

By Mike Wheatley | July 8, 2016
3-D printing has already had an impact on the housing industry, with prefabricated homes being created at factories and assembled on-site. But now, a new startup has come up with an even more novel approach – it’s printing homes in their entirety, and it’s doing so on-site.
global network business technology ai
Artificial Intelligence, Real Estate Technology

Transforming Real Estate with Algorithms and Chatbots

By Beni Restea | January 25, 2024
Remember when the only way to find a home or investment property was through endless phone calls and face-to-face meetings? Well, say hello to your new best friend: Artificial Intelligence with its myriad applications, tools, and software! Join us as we explore whether the once human-dominated housing market is doomed to automatization! Questions in an […]
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