Featured News, Real Estate Technology, Social Media

Are All Those People Really Your Friends?

By Joe Spake | February 28, 2011
Throughout history, from pre-language communications to the new social media, connection has been the catalyst for cultural evolution. Connection is about sharing ideas, but in 2011, when advertisers entice us to "like" them on FaceBook, and marketers measure their effectiveness by how many Twitter followers they can acquire, the quality of the connection has been eroded.
Featured News, Social Media

Sotheby's Realty - Doing Their Digital Best

By Phil Butler | February 23, 2011
In luxury real estate news, Daniel Gale Sotheby’s International Realty participated in a recent Northeast regional conference for Sotheby’s International Realty® affiliates. Members located in Connecticut, Washington, D.C., Delaware, Massachusetts, Maine, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, New York and Rhode Island attended the conference aimed at networking.
Featured News, Real Estate Marketing

SPAM & Ham - Fine Lines of Online Marketing

By Phil Butler | February 20, 2011
Tyler Casey seems like a nice kid. Without getting too personal here, let's just say he is a young real estate professional with some drive and initiative. Case works for Jim Bishop & Associates Coldwell Banker in Pittsburg, Kansas, as well as venturing out with Casey-Bird Properties LLC, and his own Tyler Casey Realtor aspect.
Featured News, Real Estate Marketing

The 25 Toughest Real Estate Sales Worldwide

By Ryan Cox | February 18, 2011
During these tough economic times, real estate agents everywhere have it rough. But imagine the agents who get saddled with some of the ugliest homes in the world to unload. RealtyBizNews presents, arguably, the ugliest houses in the world. For any number of reasons, ugly can just kill a home sale. What is your ugly home worst nightmare?
Featured News, Real Estate Marketing

Tallahasse Real Estate - Digital Nightmare

By Phil Butler | February 9, 2011
Exploring online for the best and worst real estate engagements, it is becoming clear we may grow weary of telling the bad news where digital professionals is concerned. Last week an excursion into Chicago's digital realm proved to be a battleground at least, but not exactly sparkling where agency excellence is concerned. Today we take a look at Tallahassee, Florida.
Featured News, Social Media

Lesson for Would Be Digital Realty Icons: Get It On

By Phil Butler | January 16, 2011
An excursion into the soft underbelly of the online real estate game reveals a surprising find - someone who knows what the hell they are talking about. A chance Twitter encounter uncovers perhaps the real estate world's best company aimed at social interaction, MyTechOpinion. The brainchild and digital baby of Nicole Nicolay, Reggie Nicolay, and Chad Johnson makes other social engaging real estate efforts appear as child's play.
Lead Generation

Real Estate's Underutilized Shadow Markets

By Joe Spake | January 10, 2011
The real estate market of 2011 is actually a bold new territory where new ideas and innovators may well rule the coming industry. Shadow markets, with shadowy industry segments beneath them even, reveal a property industry with little sense of what it used to be. Exposing unlisted potential and flipping it into positive sales flow is but one novel idea for the new real estate broker.
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