Real Estate Software Apps, Real Estate Technology

How Effective Are Real Estate Apps in 2022?

By Beni Restea | June 21, 2022
Access to real estate information can be a nuisance even in the 21st century. Suppose you're a homeowner selling your property or wish to expand your investment portfolio. In that case, you'll have to double-check every source of information and online or offline real estate marketing agencies. Not that options are scarce, but the abundance […]
Real Estate Websites and ADA Compliance
Real Estate Technology

ADA Compliance and Websites: What Realtors Must Know

By Mihaela Lica Butler | June 21, 2022
If your real estate website is not ADA-compliant you should consider remedying the situation as soon as possible to avoid undesired litigation.
real estate app
Mobile Apps

The Top 5 Apps That Every Real Estate Agent Needs

By Ben Shepardson | June 19, 2022
Real estate technology will inevitably change the way you run your business. Times have changed and so have the real estate technology tools that agents use to communicate with potential clients, generate leads, and keep their business afloat. No matter if you're an experienced agent or just starting out, there are apps that can make […]
Boomerang Software App
Mobile Apps

Realtors: Tap The Power of Boomerang's AI for a Better Response Rate

By Anita Cooper | June 16, 2022
Magic. What goes through your mind when you see that word? Or hear it? Depending on who you are, it could be anything from Cinderella’s fairy godmother to Harry Potter’s wand. But, I think I’m safe in saying that you probably didn’t think of either email management or schedule management. Am I right? If you […]
artificial intelligence home
Artificial Intelligence

How Artificial Intelligence is Affecting First-Time Home Buyers

By Ben Shepardson | June 13, 2022
Technology allows us to take new approaches to old problems, and these approaches are faster, easier, and yield better results. This is as true in the real estate industry as any other – in a realm where buying and selling homes used to require lots of hard work, innovations like the internet, artificial intelligence, and […]
real estate software
Real Estate Software Apps, Realtors

How Landlords Can Take Advantage of Real Estate Software

By Mike Wheatley | June 6, 2022
Did you know that over 14 million individual investors own between one and four rental property units? Managing properties is by no means an easy task. For landlords who own multiple properties, taking care of them can feel like a job all by itself. If you're a landlord or real estate investor looking to make managing your […]
Virtual Reality

VR in Real Estate? It’s Closer Than You Think

By Ben Shepardson | May 25, 2022
Virtual reality is often the subject of lots of science-fiction speculation. Today, VR is often in entertainment news thanks to commercially available products, but these are often seen as little more than expensive toys. Yet more and more evidence is pointing towards how VR may intersect with the real estate industry, and not in decades […]
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