SEO, US Real Estate

The Problem of Real Estate Domain Clustering

By Joe Heath | May 28, 2013
Domain clustering is generally referring to multiple search results yielding the same domain, which can often result in poor search quality, especially if that domain is a bad website. In the real estate world, we most often see domain clustering from the heavy hitters in the industry like Trulia, Zillow, and
Real Estate Technology, SEO, US Real Estate

Tips For How to Develop a Keyword Strategy For Your Website

By Joe Heath | May 10, 2013
Many real estate agents we work with who are just in the beginning stages of learning and understanding search engine optimization and how it can help their business often ask what keywords they should use or how should they determine a proper keyword strategy. While figuring out which keywords you should target for your real estate website may seem like a simple task, there might be more to this process than you may think.
SEO, US Real Estate

How Long Should Your Real Estate Blogs Be?

By Joe Heath | May 1, 2013
Keeping your real estate blog fresh with interesting market information and engaging content is extremely beneficial for both home buyers in your area, as well as all the major search engines such as Google, Yahoo, and Bing. Just as it does with readers, frequent blogging gives search engines another optimized web page to read, ultimately giving your website yet another opportunity for buyers to find your pages and just one more way to achieve a high page rank.
SEO, US Real Estate

How To Know When To Use Keywords On Your Real Estate Website

By Joe Heath | April 30, 2013
It’s no secret that quality content is one of the most crucial factors to include on a web page if achieving a high-level of search engine optimization is priority for your real estate website. With the release of the Google Panda update, which focuses heavily on promoting quality content throughout your website, one of the main concerns for real estate agents building out a high-traffic website is how often to use various keywords relating to your business.

When Is a Niche Site "Niche"?

By Dan Vassiliou | March 25, 2013
As SEO agents and internet marketers we have all asked for the same things when looking to gain a link from another site. Is it Niche related? The question I have for Google, who have filled the internet marketing “sphere” with the information that niche related links are more favorable is what makes a link niche related?
Real Estate Technology, SEO

Pinterest Launches "Pinterest Web Analytics"

By Joe Heath | March 14, 2013
There are many words you could use to describe mold. How about sneaky, opportunistic, hazardous, persistent, smelly and scary, just for starters? Among the general population, you’ll encounter a variety of reactions to the "M" word. But among real estate agents, the mere mention of mold can easily trigger anxiety attacks, not to mention a string of other 4-letter words not suitable for publication.

How To Know If A Web-Page is SEO'd

By Joe Heath | March 8, 2013
If you have a real estate website, following basic search engine optimization techniques is critical for generating traffic and attracting home buyers. While some aspects of search engine optimization are more complex, on-page keyword optimization is easy to understand and easily fixable, even to real estate agents with little web or SEO experience.
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