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DIY-Home Improvement, US Real Estate

Top Ways to Maximize Bathroom Space

By Megan Rutherford | February 8, 2014
Do you have the problem that so many of us do when it comes to our bathroom and storage? If you are like the rest of us, in that we tend to stash extra bathroom goods (everything from first aid supplies to toilet paper in other rooms/closets around the home)?
Real Estate, US Real Estate

Green Construction Builders Did Better during Recession

By Allison Halliday | February 7, 2014
A recent report in Mortgage News Daily has found builders who had experience with building green homes were likely to have been better equipped to deal with the recession. This is based on a new study on green home building and energy efficiency which found builders with this type of experience were more likely to […]
Real Estate, US Real Estate

Home Sweet Home: More Young Adults Stopping With Mom & Dad

By Mike Wheatley | February 7, 2014
The percentage of young adults ages 18 to 34 living with parents or parents-in-law has risen sharply since the late 2000s, according to the most recent American Community Survey.
Residential, US Real Estate

Real Estate Prices in the US Become More Normalized

By Allison Halliday | February 6, 2014
According to a report in Propertywire, real estate prices in the United States are reaching more normal levels, and it is anticipated future growth is more likely to follow historical trends. This is based on the latest data from Clear Capital. The report from Clear Capital suggests growth for this year will be between 3% […]
Featured News, Investing

Investing in Foreclosures: What Many Investors Overlook

By Mike Wheatley | February 6, 2014
There is still an element of evergreen truth to foreclosure investments being a means to a financially beneficial end. But when I hear people discuss foreclosure investments, I am overwhelmed with the desire to quote the late, great Inigo Montoya and say, “I do not think it means what you think it means.”
Real Estate, US Real Estate

Would You Ask for a Sleepover before Buying a Home?

By Allison Halliday | February 5, 2014
Making the decision to purchase a new home is a huge investment, and although it's a lot of fun looking room prospective properties and imagining how your life could be if you purchased one, would you ever think about asking for a sleepover? According to an article in some people do just that, and […]
Mortgage, US Real Estate

Mortgage Rates Aren't Up Yet, But It's Only A Matter Of Time

By Mike Wheatley | February 5, 2014
The word from the expert's mouths was that mortgage rates were set to rise sharply as we entered 2014, but up until now we've yet to see any sign of that. Indeed, quite the opposite has happened, with mortgage rates staying flat or in some cases slipping even lower, while a 30-year fixed rate mortgage in the US continues to average just over 4.5 percent.
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