If you’ve spent months or even years trying to buy your dream home, you might be surprised to find yourself feeling homesick when it‘s finally time to settle in. Feeling safe and comfortable in your home environment is important for a number of reasons, but it doesn’t always follow when you move somewhere new. Instead of worrying that you’ve made the wrong decision or mourning the loss of your old life, take a deep breath and follow these five tips to help make your new property feel more like home.
Unpack Straight Away
Nothing says chaos like stacks of unpacked boxes in every room of the house, so set yourself a deadline for having everything unpacked and try to tackle at least one box each day. No one enjoys unpacking, especially after a big move, but the sooner you start to organize your new home, the more familiar and comfortable it will feel. Just don’t expect your house to look perfect right away; accept that it is a work in progress, and consider small ways you can renovate or redecorate to make the most of your new space.
Treat Yourself to New Furniture
It may seem counter-intuitive to bring new items into your property when you’re trying to make it feel like home, but it works. Whether you left your old home out of choice or because you had to, it’s common to feel homesick and disorientated when you move into a new property, and trying to recreate your old living space will only make matters worse. It’s far better to bring much-loved elements of your former home into your new environment and combine them with modern pieces to signify a fresh start. You could scour furniture stores for a new dining table or view a range of sleigh beds online and choose your favorite.
Hang Artwork and Photographs
Your personal photographs and pieces of art are what separates your home from everyone else’s, so make them a part of your new surroundings from the off. Obviously, it’s best to wait until the house is fully decorated before knocking nails into the walls, but in the meantime, you can use removable mounting strips, clips and wires, and other no-nail picture-hanging methods to personalize your space.
Set Up Your Bedroom and Bathroom
If nothing else, prioritize making your bedroom and bathroom as homely as possible. Making your bed is arguably the first thing you want to do when you move into a new property, so make sure you have your toolkit and all the right screws to hand, as well as your bedding and linen. Not only will doing this give you a place to crash out when you’re fed up of unpacking, but the comfort of your own bed will also make you feel more at ease with your surroundings. You should also stock your bathroom with clean towels, toilet paper, a bath mat, shower curtain, and all your other toiletries and essentials so you can get ready for the day.