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REALTOR® Safe Harbor Program puts safety of the real estate agents first

By Violeta-Loredana Pascal | September 24, 2015

No one should be afraid – to go to work, to go in a specific area, to go shopping, etc. But recent events, including a tragic death of a realtor, show that, unfortunately, we are, sometimes, exposed to danger. The Real Agent Guard company, dedicated to the safety of real estate agents, launched another platform pledging to keep the realtors safe on the job.

real agent guard logo

Who could better understand the importance of feeling safe at work if not people working in the army or police forces? Real Agent Guard is a company founded by Justyn Hornor, a former Army sergeant, and Tim Brasuell, a police officer for 13 years. They’ve already released an app that helps companies and families monitor their real estate agents while going to show a property, and not they are taking another step on the road of helping agents feeling safe at on the job.

The EALTOR® Safe Harbor program allows agents to easily find safe locations to meet with clients – for free. As mentioned in the official press release, „REALTOR® Safe Harbor locations have pledged to make their offices available for meeting with a new client and will provide a one-page client prospect form free of charge upon request. This allows agents to capture information about the prospective client, such as address, vehicle make and model, and driver's license information and quickly send that back to their home office before heading out with the client.”

The program is easily accessible; any agent can access and see that locations are available near the place where they are and hit the „get directions” button. Apps for both Android and iOS are also available, making it easy for real estate professionals to find a safe place to meet with a potential client.

An impressive number of REALTOR® associations are pushing this program in order to keep the agents safe at work. Take, for instance, the example of Arkansas Realtors Association (6,923 members), but be sure that they are not the only ones. Other important associations signed to be among the first groups who use this program, such as the Wyoming Association of REALTOR®s, 2,012 members; the Louisiana REALTOR®s Association, 11,650 members; and the Idaho Association of REALTOR®s, 7,000 members.

The success this program already has goes to show that people take safety serious. We’ll have to wait a while to see the results of the program, of course, and how many agents used the safe meeting places, but this initiative can only be appreciated.

Violeta-Loredana Pascal is a business coach and mentor at her company - AdvanceNowBiz - with more than 15 years of business experience and a background in public relations, marketing and communication. She is passionate about reading, blogging and traveling – see Travel – Moments in Time and Earth's Attractions. Follow her on Twitter - @TravelMoments and @EarthAttract.
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