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@realtybiznews On a Business Card? Promoting Your Social Media Handles

By Joe Heath | May 11, 2012

While print media has taken a huge hit from the progression of technology, there is still a large demand for traditional, hard-copy business cards. If you find yourself in a meeting or at a social event, being able to hand someone your contact information is much more effective than just blurting out your phone number, e-mail address, or website domain, hoping the person you’re talking to will actually remember it.

What do you display on your business card? noelrusdion via

But what information you include on your business card has now become a bit more widespread with the increased usage of the internet and social media platforms. Nowadays, real estate agents have multiple websites and a variety of social media accounts that enable them to market their business in as many ways as possible.

Traditionally, a business card might only include the company name, company address, company website and of course, your name, e-mail address, and phone number. However, only including such information on today’s business card might actually be limiting the ways a potential new client can contact you or find out more about what you can offer.

Real estate professionals today should now consider maximizing what information to include on a business card. Listing your name, phone number, website and e-mail address used to be the norm for a professional card, but now including items such as your Facebook and Twitter handle is an essential component in today’s marketing world.

Social media links on your business card not only display your progressive approach toward marketing your business and selling more real estate, but it also provides additional ways for clients to communicate with you, should they have any questions or need more information on what services you can provide.

With so many different social media sites out there, however, including a link to all of your social accounts likely won't be possible. But along with that, it also isn't necessary. In fact, what links to include may even vary from agent to agent. In my opinion, the two obvious handles that everyone should include are Facebook and Twitter. However, depending on your business model and what social media sites you use most, you may find that only including one or the other works for you. For agencies doing more international business, having your Skype ID may also be something you want to consider.

The idea behind your real estate business card will continue to remain the same. But it’s clear that how you present yourself and what information to include on your business card has evolved with technology and the popularity of social media.

Joe Heath is a graduate of Indiana University and possesses a Graduate Certificate in Real Estate Development from Drexel University. After working in the market research sector and authoring published Market Snapshots for Hanley Wood Market Intelligence, Joe now works as a Web Marketing Specialist and co-owns Real Estate Web Creation with his partner, Ted Guarnero, a 25+ year real estate veteran.

Joe Heath is a Digital Marketing Specialist with Real Estate Web Creation — a boutique agency that offers affordable and effective SEO and website development services to real estate agents, brokers, home builders, and developers.
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