US Real Estate

Will Nationwide Rent Control Work?

By Eric Jeanette | April 10, 2020
Will Bernie Sanders' Nationwide Rent Control Dream Work? With rent rates rising at growing speeds all around the United States, more and more tenants are demanding limitations on rent increase. Worse still, rent hikes are happening on an annual basis, making the housing market increasingly less affordable for the majority of those who make up […]
US Real Estate

How Is the COVID-19 Crisis Affecting Real Estate?

By Regina Gables | April 2, 2020
In the wake of COVID-19, real estate agencies, like many businesses, are scrambling to maintain their income flow. Since housing is always a need, however, the real estate market may well recover more quickly than most businesses. In this new stark and uncertain climate, many realtors have stated that they have not seen interest in […]
US Real Estate

Reverse Mortgages - Pros, Cons, and Myths

By Brian Kline | April 2, 2020
According to the National Reverse Lenders Association, more than 1,149,663 U.S. households had utilized an FHA-insured reverse mortgage by Feb. 2020. The equity value of senior homeowners (age 62 and older) exceeded $7.19 trillion in 2019. As the 74 million baby boomers enter retirement at a rate of 10,000 per day, the reverse mortgage marketplace […]
Real Estate Resource

Common Frustrations For Homeowners That Come With Selling Their Home

By Jamie Richardson | March 18, 2020
As a realtor, you know and understand the excitement that homeowners experience when selling their homes. For lots of people, whether it’s a single or multi-family home, selling their home is a fresh start… a new beginning, and it’s just as exciting for you as it is for them! The fact that you can work […]
Real Estate Resource

How Are Landlords Responding to Coronavirus Fears?

By Regina Gables | March 15, 2020
As of January 2019, American households owed roughly $9.12 trillion in mortgage debt. Considering the increasing costs of housing nationwide, it's no surprise many people can't feasibly pay for their homes. That, among other things, is as good a reason as any for many people to continue renting. But while that may be a boon […]
Rental Properties

Tips for Today’s Landlords

By Brian Kline | March 11, 2020
It continues to be a great time for landlords. Monthly rents have been increasing for years, vacancies remain at historic lows, and a really big benefit for landlords is that the renters are paying down any loans you have on the property, while your equity continues appreciating every month. All is good! This makes now […]
Home Buying

Biggest Mistakes First Time Buyers Make (….And How to Avoid Them)

By Brian Kline | March 9, 2020
Buying your first home is what you have been daydreaming about for months if not years. Your favorite daydream is a sunny Saturday afternoon watching the kids run through the sprinkler on your freshly mowed lawn. And there is that pestering feeling of being a little overwhelmed with the big decisions you face about the […]
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