
Is Your Real Estate Business Properly Insured?

By Brian Kline | March 24, 2017
There are a lot of different real estate business careers people are involved in. With that comes a need for business insurance. Every businessperson needs to periodically review not only his or her current business insurance coverage
The Crossings Senior Community
Real Estate Resource

Why you should invest in community housing

By Al Twitty | March 22, 2017
Buying a house is almost every person’s dream, and it’s also one of the biggest investment anyone can make. When looking to purchase your dream home, you need to consider many factors, including price, size, location, floor plan, and type, among others.
Real Estate Technology, Smart Home Tech

Recent Network Disruption Highlights Potential Problems with the Internet of Things

By Allison Halliday | March 9, 2017
Smart home technology can be fantastic when everything is operating properly, but a recent article in Global highlights the potential problems when a network fails.
Real Estate Resource, Smart Home Tech

What kind of smoke detector should you install at home?

By Mike Wheatley | March 9, 2017
More than 95 percent of U.S. homes have at least one smoke detector installed inside them, but most homeowners remain unaware of the different kinds of sensors available and their effectiveness
real estate investing strategy
Memphis Real Estate, Real Estate Investing

How to Make Memphis Real Estate Investments From Out of State

By Brian Kline | March 3, 2017
either way, if you want to invest in Memphis, Tennessee, you're going to need a strong team of specialists to make the most of your investment.
DIY-Home Improvement

Renovation ROI: 4 Home Improvements That will Increase Your Home's Value

By Rachelle Wilber | February 16, 2017
If you don't do your research ahead of time, you could spend thousands of dollars on improvements that buyers simply won't pay for.
Real Estate Investing

Hard Money Lenders and Real Estate Values

By Brian Kline | February 7, 2017
The real estate creative investing world continues expanding but hard money lenders have been around for a long time and continue to be viable today. When traditional loans aren’t available and/or long term privates loans and crowd funding
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