Real Estate, Real Estate Investing, US Real Estate

Landlords warned against rejecting applicants with criminal records

By Mike Wheatley | April 29, 2016
Landlords who refused to lease a property to an applicant that's failed a background check could be acting illegally, according to US Department of Housing and Urban Development
Home Owners Insurance

New Homeowner Insurance With Benefits

By Brian Kline | April 19, 2016
As we move further into the hot spring market, home prices in many markets are almost certain to rise. For owners that still have underwater mortgages this is great news. But for buyers, the continuous increase in prices is leaving them skeptical that the market might again crash and many mortgages (including ones they buy […]
Featured News, Real Estate Agents, Realtors, US Real Estate

64 Tips from Top Agents

By Mike Wheatley | March 25, 2016
64 tips from 64 top agents on every aspect of the home buying process.
landlord rights
Featured News, US Real Estate

Top 10 Tips for Landlords

By Brian Kline | March 15, 2016
The good news is that most landlords have a very easy, trouble free experience with their tenants, which allows them to reap the rewards of their investment.
Real Estate, Real Estate Investing, US Real Estate

Investing in Real Estate - Here's What You Need to Know

By Mike Wheatley | February 26, 2016
Investing in real estate is a great way to build your assets and invest in something that will be worth more in the years to come.
Real Estate

Purchasing a Vacation Home with Friends or Family

By Allison Halliday | February 4, 2016
Vacation homes can be costly to purchase and time consuming to maintain in addition to your main family home. This is why has pointed out that purchasing a vacation home with friends or family can be a good solution. While purchasing a primary residence with family or friends might not be such a great […]
Real Estate, US Real Estate

Is your real estate business properly insured?

By Mike Wheatley | February 1, 2016
A disaster at work can happen any time. Everything you worked hard to build with your small business could go away in the blink of an eye if you do not have business owner's insurance.
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