Residential, US Real Estate

Spiraling rental costs show signs of slowing down

By Mike Wheatley | April 6, 2017
Rental price increases are showing signs of slowing down in some of the country's most expensive markets.
Featured News, Residential, Zillow

LinkedIn & Zillow identify where to live to have more disposable income

By Mike Wheatley | March 17, 2017
There's a good reason thousands of technology workers are flocking to Seattle: the math works out.

Realtors protest new 1-bedroom law in Brunswick, Ohio

By Mike Wheatley | December 28, 2016
City officials in Brunswick, Ohio, are proposing a controversial new rule that would require all adult renters to have their own bedrooms, unless they're related.
Featured News, Memphis Real Estate, US Real Estate

SmartAsset study reveals cities where rents are getting cheaper

By Mike Wheatley | November 18, 2016
Rents are increasing across the nation due to the inability of many potential home buyers to secure a mortgage, or so you thought.
Featured News, Residential, US Real Estate

Zillow: Market uncertainty means most buyers consider renting

By Mike Wheatley | November 2, 2016
In today's intensely competitive housing market, most of those who moved recently considered both buying and renting while looking for a new place to live
Real Estate, Residential, US Real Estate

Zillow ranks Nashville and Raleigh as most attractive cities for renters

By Mike Wheatley | November 1, 2016
Among large cities, Nashville, Tenn. renters are most likely to be moving there from another city, and San Jose, Calif. renters are most likely to be planning to leave, according to a new Zillow analysis.
Real Estate Technology, US Real Estate

HomeMe rental app lands $3.2M in seed funding

By Mike Wheatley | October 18, 2016
A pre-approval app for renters called HomeMe is making progress, announcing that it's closed on $3.2 million in seed funding.
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