Residential, US Real Estate

4 Tips for First-Time Renters Looking to Protect Their Property

By Guest Author | October 10, 2016
Taking the leap into renting can be incredibly intimidating for a first-timer.
Real Estate, US Real Estate

14% of big city renters can afford to buy, but choose not to do so

By Mike Wheatley | August 17, 2016
Across the country's largest rental markets, almost 14 percent of on-market renters have strong credit scores, relatively high incomes and could afford to buy the median home in their market.
Real Estate Software Apps, Real Estate Technology, US Real Estate

Zillow adds renter profiles to help renters stand out from the crowd

By Mike Wheatley | June 16, 2016
With the addition of a new feature called Renter Profile, renters searching via Zillow can get all of their pertinent information in front of a landlord or property manager faster and easier than ever before.
US Real Estate

5 ways to deal with eviction

By Guest Author | March 22, 2016
Simply keeping up with your obligations and accountabilities as a renter makes it almost impossible that you will go through with the pain of eviction.
Rental Properties, US Real Estate

Renter Tax Deduction What You Need to Know

By Brian Kline | March 18, 2016
According to a 2015 Harvard University study, about 37 percent of the U.S. households are renters. Rep. Alan Grayson from Florida thinks the tax deduction field should be leveled between owners and renters. He has proposed a bill that would allow tax deductions for renters. Of course, the deductions will vary by income levels but as […]
Real Estate Technology, US Real Estate

HomeMe takes the stress out of renting by pre-approving applications

By Mike Wheatley | February 25, 2016
A new solution for pre-approving renters has just hit the app store. Called HomeMe, the app brings a unique approach to renting a home that cuts out on the disappointment of finding an ideal property only to later learn you don't qualify to rent it.
Featured News, Rental Properties, Residential, US Real Estate

Baltimore's rent court accused of bias towards landlords

By Mike Wheatley | December 10, 2015
There are numerous legal grounds through which tenants can legally withhold rent payments in Baltimore, but nonetheless, the city sees more than 6,000 of its low-income renters evicted each year. In many cases, the city's infamous Rent Court favors the landlords, and it has an eviction rate that's higher than any other major city except […]
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