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What is the best HTML Editor for my real estate website?

By Ben Shepardson | September 19, 2023

The real estate market has always been competitive, but with the increasing reliance on online platforms to showcase properties, it's more crucial than ever to have a top-notch website. A significant component of crafting a professional and functional website is selecting the right HTML editor. So, what's the best choice for your real estate website? Let’s dive in.

Understanding the Need for a Suitable HTML Editor

Real estate websites have specific needs:

  1. High-Quality Image Galleries: Listings need vivid, clear photos.
  2. Intuitive Search Features: Prospective buyers or renters want to filter properties based on their preferences.
  3. Interactive Maps: Location is everything in real estate. Embedding maps for properties can be a massive boost.
  4. Contact and Query Forms: Easy-to-use forms to reach out about properties.

The right HTML editor will simplify these implementations, ensuring a seamless user experience while keeping the website running smoothly.

WYSIWYG vs. Text-based Editors: The Basics

HTML editors fall mainly into two categories: WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) editors and text-based editors.

  • WYSIWYG Editors: These are graphical interfaces where you design the page and the editor generates the HTML. It's intuitive, especially for those not well-versed in coding.
  • Text-based Editors: Preferred by developers or those comfortable with HTML. It provides a direct interface to write or edit code, offering more control over the website's design and functionality.

Best WYSIWYG Editor for Real Estate Websites

Adobe Dreamweaver:

  • Why it’s Suitable: Dreamweaver offers a blend of WYSIWYG functionality and direct code editing. This versatility makes it perfect for those who might want to start with a visual design but delve into code later for finer customizations.
  • Features: Real-time previews, compatibility checks for different browsers, and integration with other Adobe products like Photoshop (handy for editing property photos).
  • Learning Curve: It might be a bit challenging for complete beginners but offers extensive features for those willing to learn.

Best Text-based Editor for Real Estate Websites

Visual Studio Code (VS Code):

  • Why it's Suitable: VS Code is lightweight, fast, and supported by a large community. This means plenty of extensions and plugins tailor-made for web development needs, including those specific to real estate websites.
  • Features: Syntax highlighting, in-built terminal, extensions like Live Server for real-time previews, and Emmet for faster HTML and CSS coding.
  • Learning Curve: Intermediate. It’s beneficial to have some coding knowledge, but the editor's intuitive design makes the learning process smoother.

The Online Contenders: Web-based Builders

Platforms like Wix and Squarespace offer web-based site-building tools. They're not traditional HTML editors but deserve mention.

  • Advantages: Extremely user-friendly, with drag-and-drop interfaces. They offer numerous templates, some tailored for real estate, which can be a boon for non-tech-savvy realtors.
  • Limitations: Less flexibility in terms of customization. For real estate agencies looking to build a unique brand image or need specific functionalities, these might not be the best choice.

Choosing the Best Fit for Your Real Estate Business

  1. Budget: Dreamweaver is a paid software, while VS Code is free. Online platforms often come with monthly subscription fees.
  2. Technical Know-how: If you're not familiar with HTML and web design, starting with a WYSIWYG editor or an online builder might be best.
  3. Future-proofing: As your business grows, your website's requirements might change. A more flexible platform, even if it has a steeper learning curve, can be beneficial in the long run.

Is the HTML editor sofware budget friendly

The budget-friendliness of HTML editor software varies based on the editor in question. There are several HTML editors available in the market, ranging from free, open-source options to premium, subscription-based or one-time purchase offerings. Let's break down the cost implications of various popular HTML editors:

  1. Free and Open-Source Editors:
    • Visual Studio Code: Developed by Microsoft, it is entirely free and offers powerful features that compete with many paid editors. It's popular for web development, offering numerous extensions and integrations.
    • Atom: Developed by GitHub, Atom is a free, open-source code editor with a focus on collaboration and integration with Git.
    • Brackets: Originally developed by Adobe, it's a free, open-source editor geared towards web design with features like a live preview.
    • Notepad++: A free, more advanced alternative to Windows Notepad, offering syntax highlighting and other developer-friendly features.
  2. Premium Editors:
    • Adobe Dreamweaver: As part of the Adobe Creative Cloud, Dreamweaver is a paid software. You can access it through a monthly subscription, which also gives you access to other Adobe products if desired. The cost can be seen as steep for individual users or small businesses, but it offers a robust set of features, especially for those already invested in the Adobe ecosystem.
    • Sublime Text: While it offers a free version, continuous use prompts you to purchase a one-time license. Its speed and efficiency make it a favorite among developers.
  3. Online Website Builders:
    • Wix, Weebly, and Squarespace: While these are not traditional HTML editors, they play a role in website creation. They often have a free tier with limited features and branding, with premium features available through monthly or yearly subscriptions.
  4. Special Mention:
    • WordPress: Though primarily a content management system, the block editor (Gutenberg) in WordPress provides a WYSIWYG interface. There's a free version on, but for more features, including custom plugins and themes, a premium subscription or a self-hosted version (from is needed.

Factors to Consider for Budget:

  • Your Requirements: If you only need basic features or are just learning, a free editor might suffice. However, if you're running a business or developing complex websites, investing in a premium editor can be worthwhile.
  • Long-Term vs. Short-Term: Some editors require a one-time purchase, while others (especially online website builders) can entail recurring subscription costs.
  • Additional Costs: Think about potential costs for plugins, extensions, or integrations that might be necessary for your projects.

Conclusion: There's a wide variety of HTML editors catering to different budgets. Whether you're seeking a free tool for occasional use or a comprehensive solution for a thriving business, there's likely an editor that fits your financial constraints and meets your needs. The perfect HTML editor for your real estate website depends on your specific needs, technical comfort level, and where you see your website in the future. Whether you opt for a WYSIWYG editor, a text-based one, or an online website builder, ensure it aligns with your business goals and offers the features that matter most to your audience

Ben Shepardson is a Realty Biz News Contributing Writer and has a long track record of success in online marketing and web development. While pursuing a bachelor’s degree in Computer Information Systems, he worked doing enterprise-level SEO and started an online business offering web development services to small business customers.
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