The best deals I’ve ever made were not to be found in the classified ads, on the MLS, or via other investors. The real deals are often masquerading as “no deal”, until you actually make an effort to look at the fundamentals…
10 Tips For Investing In Turn-Key Real Estate
The idea behind “turn-key” real estate investing is that an investor can purchase a property from a company that will then manage that property for them, a kind of “hands-off” investment for busy professionals or investors.
Six Things To Consider Before Investing With A “Turn Key” Investment Company
Lately, we’re seeing a major trend in “turn-key” offerings for real estate investors. When folks want to invest in real estate, but don’t want the headaches of every day management, they find “turn-key” investing to be a viable option for them. But there are things you should be aware of about these programs before you decide to invest.