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3 Ways Smart Locks Bring Home Security Into the 21st Century

By RealtyBiz News | November 24, 2022

Like cell phones and Amazon, modern home security has come a long way since the 20th century. We no longer need to rely on the outdated systems our parents and grandparents used. In fact, we have it pretty good. 

Just like seven- to 10-day shipping is an anxiety of the past, leaving a key under the mat no longer has to be a compromise you make. Compromises are for relationships, not your home's safety. 

Smart locks make that possible. From a high-level perspective, a smart lock is just a lock that connects to the internet and other smart devices. But the game-changing features are hidden in the convenient day-in, day-out use.

Here are the top three most useful features of the best smart locks on the market.

1. Never Get Locked Out with Smart Locks with Fingerprint Access

Fumbling through your bag for the house key when your hands are full at the end of the day is frustrating. And misplacing your keys while rushing out the door is infuriating. The newest generation of smart locks, including the Level Lock - Touch Edition, erases both of these scenarios permanently with fingerprint-activated locks. And there's no ugly fingerprint scanner bolted to the front of your house, either. The best smart locks on the market look and function just like traditional deadbolts, but with built-in technology for easier, faster, and less challenging use. And even when it's not just you trying to get inside your house, access to these locks can be shared with others.

2. Share Access with Family and Friends

Share your home with the people it should be shared with, hassle-free. And no, it doesn't involve inviting your friends and family over for a fingerprint-loading party. Between metal key cards for regular guests and temporary access shared from phone to phone, everyone who should have access has it, while keeping everyone who shouldn't without it. You can rest at night knowing your family and loved ones are safe and sound without losing sleep worrying about unaccounted-for keys floating around or discovered hide-a-keys that could compromise your home's security.

3. Be In Complete Control From Wherever You Are

If you're spending time reading about how to upgrade home security, you're probably the person in the household who takes the last walk-through of the house each night to ensure every door is locked, the lights are off, and the windows are closed. If you have kids or even just a forgetful roommate, it can be stressful to wonder if everything was locked up properly when you're not around. The best smart locks available give you complete control of your home's security from anywhere, anytime, through a connected app on your phone. With it, not only can you see which doors are locked and unlocked in real-time, but you can also lock or unlock your home with a simple tap of your finger.

Next-Generation Security with Smart Locks

Unlike the constantly changing appearance of so much of today's technology (do you remember your flip phone?), one of the best things about the newest smart locks is that they provide next-generation security with the same appearance as a traditional lock. The best smart locks aren't designed to look advanced and techy. In fact, the technology is invisible. Instead, they're designed to keep your family safe and life easy. That's the next generation of home security.

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