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5 Ways to Get More Subscribers to Your Real Estate Website

By RealtyBiz News | January 24, 2023

Almost 100% of home buyers in 2021 in the 23 to 56-year-old age bracket searched forĀ homes online. Real estate agencies need to utilize the internet to increase their subscribers - but how can agencies do this?

Your website needs to be organized and helpful to visitors. Luckily, there are five things you can do to increase traffic to your real estate website. Read on if you want to attract more home buyers to your site.

1. Go Mobile

As of 2021, 85% of Americans own smartphones. It's easier than ever for people to conduct business while on the go. If you want more subscribers, you need to accommodate their busy lives.

Earlier, we said that various people look for homes online. Over half of those people use mobile apps to aid in their search. Online users expect agencies to provide a functional, frustration-free mobile experience.

Google ranks mobile-friendly sites higher than ones that aren't because of user expectations. Your business must make it easier for website subscribers to browse listings on mobile devices.

2. Create a Social Media Presence

Real estate agencies need to promote themselves to attract clients. Making your website mobile-friendly is helpful, but people still need to know where they can purchase your properties.

Creating realtor ads can go a long way toward increasing customer attention. Show people your properties and talk about the merits of your business.

Tell potential subscribers how hard-working and efficient you and your fellow realtors are. Make sure you use high-quality photos and proofread every description. Poor punctuation and grammar are off-putting.

It's also a good idea to advertise on various platforms. Facebook and Instagram real estate marketing targets average people looking to buy homes. LinkedIn Ads will reach a professional audience.

Your goal is to maximize your audience and drive traffic to your website. Polished real estate marketing will make people curious about you and your business.

3. Make A Blog

You're not obligated to make a blog. But you should consider adding one to your real estate website. Creating a blog can help with your social media presence.

Posting content every so often will increase your company's visibility. Uploading enough articles to Facebook or LinkedIn enough may grow a dedicated audience. Blogs also increase SEO performance.

Fresh content attracts curious online searchers to keep up with real estate trends. Growing your blog can make you appear more "human" to subscribers.

A well-written blog could have people looking forward to your industry expertise and informed opinions. Your readers may feel they know you on a personal level.

That level of personability can entice online users to do business with you. However, you need constant, rich content to keep visitors coming. You can't have a poorly written blog and expect readers to stick around.

4. Craft Good Listings

Arguably, the most crucial thing agencies need is excellently written listings. There is a lot that goes into a competently written real estate listing. Below are a few do's and don't to help you with your listings.

Provide Accurate Descriptions

Do not give potential clients vague listings. You should accurately explain what people might be purchasing. For example, don't say an 800-square-foot home is "enormous."

Eight hundred square feet isn't exactly tiny, but listing that as enormous is misleading. Concisely list the home and surrounding area's features and document any issues it may have. Liying can negatively impact your agency.

Use the Right Adjectives

"Be descriptive, but don't overdo it" are words to live by when writing listings. People can read when you're trying too hard, and it may appear that you're hiding something.

Adding multiple adjectives like "cozy," "dazzling," and "spectacular" seems like you're playing off a significant issue. But don't give subscribers a bland and unimpressive description either.

Don't Raise Red Flags

There are certain words you want to avoid when advertising properties. "Fixer Upper," "TLC," and "cosmetic" don't look good on listings. People assume the home will take a lot of work to make livable.

Avoid terms like this unless the house truly does need a lot of work and is accordingly priced.

Advertise Unique Features

Buyers like houses with character. Tell website subscribers if there's a historic element in the home. Say you have a property with a stained glass window. That's a feature many people would love to have.

Fireplaces are a popular feature inside homes. Some people adore double-hung arts and craft-style windows. Let clients know what makes the property special; odds are, someone wants it.

5. Include Reviews and Testimonials

People trust other people's opinions. Your subscribers want views from "real" people like themselves. They feel like a product is excellent when others swear by its effectiveness.

92% of Millennials trust online testimonials as much as close friends and family. 83% of people don't trust ads. Make reviews and testimonials accessible on your website.

Ask clients if they'll provide positive feedback once you've closed the deal. If you've done an excellent job, you shouldn't have too many issues garnering praise from website subscribers.

Want More Subscribers?

We hope these tips can help with your real estate website. Give website subscribers a mobile-friendly experience and use social media for real estate marketing.

The best way to increase your subscribers is to give them what they want. People want flexibility, convenience, and transparency. If you need more answers than those provided here, consider browsing our other articles.

We've got information on all things real estate. Go here if you want more about real estate technology.

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