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David Marom and The Horizon Group Strive to Diversify their Local Community

By RealtyBiz News | April 4, 2023

David Marom and his company, The Horizon Group, are property developers in New York City. According to their website, though, they aren't an average property developer. The company is committed to supporting local communities and normalizing diversity. This means that the way they choose their investment opportunities, and the projects that they support, are a little different. 

Who is David Marom and The Horizon Group?

David Marom and The Horizon Group have been investing in, and developing, projects in New York City since 1985. Based on their project portfolio, their prime focus is creating areas in New York where diverse cultures can thrive. 

The Horizon Group and The Commitment to Diversity

On their website, David Marom and The Horizon Group state that one of the core values of the company is “normalizing diversity in every walk of life.” David Marom has noted during interviews that this was a founding value of the company. 

This can mean a multitude of different things. For starters, many of The Horizon Group's investment projects are located in more diverse areas of the greater New York City Area. This helps boost growth in communities often overlooked by other developers. The Horizon Group's goal isn't to reduce diversity in an area, but to enhance it. As previously mentioned they want to create areas of New York where diverse cultures can thrive. 

David Marom's company drives job opportunities, not just in construction projects, but in long-term employment in the area. According to their project list, many of the Horizon Group's investments have ongoing jobs in a variety of positions, and David Marom's commitment to diversity in employment ensures that everybody will be fairly considered for these roles.

Outside The Horizon Group's investment portfolio, the company supports several projects that further enhance its commitment to diversity in life. 

The Horizon Group and Their Supported Projects

David Marom and The Horizon Group not only deal with their investment portfolio, but they also work to support charitable initiatives. There are two in particular that the company talks about on its website which is Pawsability Dog Club and The Unifying Line. These projects reflect the company's commitment to enhancing diversity in its completed investment projects. 

Pawsability Dog Club

Pawsability Dog Club is a non-profit dog daycare located in Bushwick, Brooklyn.

Pawsability provides vocational training and employment opportunities for autistic adults in Brooklyn and the greater New York City area. Pawsability aims to assist the neurodiverse in transitioning to employment with other businesses. By focusing on neurodivergent adults, Pawsability allows the neurodiverse to gain the necessary soft and hard skills and experience in a safe environment respectful of their specific needs. 

The Horizon Group is an ongoing donor, resource and advocate for Pawsability’s mission based initiatives. Partnering with Pawsability demonstrates The Horizon Group's commitment to normalizing diversity in the job market.

The Unifying Line 

WhilePawsability Dog Club provides opportunities for those close to where David Marom lives, he is also a committed donor to The Unifying Line, a non-profit based in Israel.

The Unifying Line has been working with The Horizon Group for more than 18 years. This non-profit assists adults and children with various disabilities and diseases by providing them with unique experiences. The financial support from people like David Marom and The Horizon Group allows The Unifying Line to take individuals on national and international trips. This provides them with opportunities that they may not have otherwise received.

David Marom and The Horizon Group's project commitments show that the company is dedicated to improving the lives of those who face inequity on a daily basis. This value is reflected through their non-profit efforts and through every investment they make. This company isn't just for making money. They exist to help better the world. 

The Importance of Developers That Care About the Local Community

[Alt Text: David Marom and The Horizon Group care about the local community they are a part of.]

Many property developers operate in New York City. For most of them, their property developments are a way to make a “quick buck” before they move to the next opportunity. It isn't about benefiting the community—it is about making cash. This is why companies like The Horizon Group are important to the community. Sure, like every business, they want to make money. However, they want to do so while benefiting the local community. 

Companies like The Horizon Group do not want to replace the rich diversity that exists in many areas of New York City. They want to enhance these communities and encourage diversity in those who live and work in those areas, a core value of The Horizon Group. 

Developers that care about the community provide opportunities that major property developers do not. They can provide job opportunities for those who may be overlooked by other companies. The Horizon Group has already demonstrated that it cares about helping neurodiverse people obtain jobs.

Developers can also enhance the amenities in the local area, for example, installing a community garden, which can increase overall property values—again, benefiting the community. 

When a developer cares about the area where they work, everybody benefits. The community feels respected and listened to. Communities do not feel that they are being driven out of the area. They feel that the developer is enhancing their way of life, not hindering it. Property investment can lead to new businesses moving into an area, providing greater job opportunities for those who live there. 

This is a stark contrast to the way major property developers act. In their quest for the mighty dollar, many major developers have created areas that suffer from serious gentrification. This can make areas more expensive to live in, shattering existing communities. The Horizon Group doesn't do business that way.


David Marom and The Horizon Group focus on diversity. Their website and property development portfolio make this clear. 

Their investments and supported projects show that The Horizon Group wants to support, rather than work against, the diverse communities in New York City—not just in terms of employment, but protecting the areas where they develop. This is the ideal developer.

Since 1985, The Horizon Group has been committed to diversifying the communities where they operate, something they will continue to do as long as the family-owned company exists. 

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