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Interior Design for Self-Isolation: Finding Peace and Serenity at Home

By RealtyBiz News | April 29, 2020

Self-isolation, although crucial during these unprecedented times, has bound many people to their homes and so now more than ever before, the Interior design of our homes need to lean toward promoting peace and wellbeing. As the outside world brings more fear and anxiety, our homes must become places of peace and serenity, and some simple interior design strategies can help you achieve this. So, using these easy tips and tricks you can make your self-isolation feel like a well deserved break!

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Keeping your home open and bright is crucial during any self-isolation as natural light and

space is an easy way to open up your home, making it feel bigger and more peaceful. By

opening your windows and blinds you can let in some of that natural sunlight that you are

missing out on from the outside world. Or, if the weather is nice, why not going out in your back garden - you can decorate it with antique garden furniture to make it feel more welcoming and enjoy the day! This is one of the best tips for self-isolation as around 24% of the population suffers from seasonal affective disorder (SAD) and a quick and easy relief

from that is to allow natural sunlight into your home. So open up your windows and blinds

and really appreciate the outdoors – without actually being out there! Another way to open

up your home is redecorating, now that you have the time reorganise, repaint and have a

clear out – using light colours from the furniture to the walls will open up the rooms in your

house, making them feel larger and brighter.


Making sure that you are comfortable in your own home is key when you can't leave it,

ensure that you are happy and cozy in the rooms you'll be spending the next few weeks in!

From changing your sofa to simply getting a new carpet or rug there are hundreds of ways to

make your home more snug and comfy. This tip will help you sit back and relax in the

comfort of your own home, and will make it easier to just stay in and appreciate your cozy


Plants and Greenery

A great way to revamp your home when you cant go outdoors is to bring some of the

outdoors in! So bring in some flowers and plants, from a cactus to a lemon tree – any plant

will help open up your home, and help you to forget that you're not outdoors. Although the

most important part of this tip is… research! Make sure that you know what it is that you are

bringing into your home, from a simple cactus to a maidenhair fern – understanding the

plant will help with maintaining it. There are hundreds of plants that are great for indoor

living and it doesn’t have to be a simple orchid, you can have lemon trees, olive trees,

succulents and so much more, as long as you know what that plant needs to grow (and stay



Making sure the ambience in your home is right for you! Although this trick seems a like a

small change, the tones and colours of the lighting in your home can really help you with

mindfulness and can help you to feel calm and relaxed. Instead of a bright white bulb, play

around with your tones, an orange undertone in your lighting can make your room feel cosy

and calm. Colours can also help to make your home more serine, a blue light can help in

reducing anxiety and can help you to relax that little bit more! Let's face it playing around

with coloured lighting and fairy lights can be so therapeutic and can only, ever leave your

house looking better and more peaceful.

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