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The Benefits of Real Estate Events and Networking by Alex Vidal President ERA Real Estate

By RealtyBiz News | August 21, 2023

Real estate is a relationship business. This statement is not a new one, nor is it particularly illuminating. However, it is something that we often need to remind ourselves of. With the focus on technology and efficiencies, it is sometimes easy to forget that people and human connections are at the very center of our business. And during our current market change, it is more important than ever to revisit and reconnect with people, your clients, prospects, colleagues, and partners. 

Many real estate professionals are utilizing the early Fall as an opportunity to evaluate their business planning to end the year strong and set a pathway forward for the year ahead. As you look to the fourth quarter, I recommend looking at live networking events to best position yourself for growth and create even more opportunities. The benefits are threefold.

  1. Gain market insights from industry experts.

Events are a great way to have access to people you may not normally cross paths with. Examples include industry analysts, economic pundits, local developers or even tax professionals. Hearing from new people may expose you to different ways of thinking, prompting innovative approaches in your own work. It may also expand your knowledge in a particular area, knowledge you can pass along to your sphere for their benefit.

  1. Tap into best practices from colleagues.

It’s very easy to focus on what’s in front of you and knock things off your never-ending to-do list. But when we are that immersed in the day-to-day tasks, we lose sight of people around us who may offer helpful insights, perspectives or solutions. Taking the time to talk to your peers can pay off in spades in your own business. Attending an event also shifts your focus in a way that looks to the future.

  1. Expand your referral connections.

It’s a small world when people start talking! Often, we discover ways in which we connect – a la six degrees of separation. Discovering how we connect to random strangers creates a firm foundation upon which to develop a new and seemingly vetted relationship. We’re connected after all. Events are a great way to meet new people, uncover these connections and expand your referral channels.

So, what type of events are best? The answer is that it doesn’t really matter. Whether you attend a local event sponsored by your association, chamber of commerce or small business forum, or look farther afield at state or national association events or brand business building forums, attending industry and business events has the potential for a strong return on investment. 

At ERA® Real Estate we are preparing to welcome our broker/owners and managers to our fall network event in Palm Desert, CA. The event is designed to provide targeted education sessions, dynamic networking experiences, inspiration from expert presenters and the information needed for attendees to standout in the current market and grow their business.

The networking that happens at live events supercharges your business and pushes you further down the path of progress on the roadmap to success. So, make it an eventful year and position yourself for a strong finish to 2023! 

Alex Vidal is a lifelong real estate professional with expertise in leadership, sales, recruiting and more. He is president of ERA Real Estate and is responsible for the strategic growth and operations for the ERA global network of more than 40,000 affiliated brokers and independent sales associates and approximately 2,390 offices throughout the United Staes and 34 other countries and territories. 

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