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The Quantum Leap Strategy

By RealtyBiz News | June 21, 2024

By Mark Johnson

Consider this:

  • Today’s smartphone have the same computing power as the whole US government in 1983
  • 3D printing is the only technology where a more complex object doesn’t cost more to make
  • The average lifespan of an S&P 500 company has gone from 67 years to 12 years today
  • Autonomous driving cars will prevent 30,000 road deaths in the US alone

Exponential Growth

Exponential growth does not just apply to technology, large or small firms. Exponential growth applies to you and me.

One of the most influential books I’ve read. The book is just 36 pages long yet is packed with practical insight and action-creating motivation. It’s called “You Squared by Price Pritchett,” an instruction manual for taking a quantum leap in your business and life.

Pritchett states, “we don’t have to be content with incremental, gradual change through applying hard work.  Rather, we are capable of an explosive jump in performance at an accelerated rate, requiring less effort.” How?

Here is a summary:

Quit Trying Harder – Trying harder only produces incremental gains.  A quantum shift is an elegant solution requiring less effort.

Ignore Conventional Approaches – A quantum leap requires an abrupt change in behavior. It requires finesse over effort, simplicity over complexity, a new paradigm, and a fresh perspective.

Think Beyond What Common Sense Would Allow – Quantum leaps require “uncommon sense.” Rethink your thinking.  Violate the boundaries of the probable.

Suspend Disbelief – Act as if your success is for certain and proceed boldly.

Focus On Ends Rather Than Means – Having a clear picture of what you want to accomplish is crucial.  Solutions will appear. Draw the map as you go.

Rely On Unseen Forces – When you focus on the clear picture of what you want to accomplish and move confidently toward it, unexpected and unknown resources materialize.

Choose A Different Set Of Rules – You can never avoid risk; you can only choose which risks you will take.  Risk believing in yourself.

Trust In The Power Of The Pursuit – Dreams begin to crystallize into reality when they are pursued, because the world behaves differently when you go after what you want.

Seek Failure – Unless you are willing to fail, you will never have the opportunity to test the limits of what you can accomplish.

Get Uncomfortable – Quantum leaps jerk you out of your comfort zone.  If you aren’t experiencing discomfort, the risk you are taking probably isn’t worthy of you.

Open Your Gifts – Unused gifts are waiting to play a role in your quantum leap; open them.

Fall In Love – Create a dramatic dream that goes beyond the ‘reasonable,’ and then allow it to become your “magnificent obsession.”

Make Your Move Before You Are Ready – You don’t prepare for a quantum leap; you make it… and then fine-tune it as you go.

Look Inside For The Opportunity – Everything else that’s needed comes from inside you, not from anything outside you.

If you take the leap, consider what area of your business is holding you back.

Maybe it’s hiring an assistant, outsourcing that new digital ad campaign you desire but don’t have the skills or time to pursue, or delegating your files to a transaction coordinator? Whatever it is, one or more of the principles Pritchett presents, I suspect, resonates with you, so…  just do it!

Take the leap… and see you and your business take a quantum leap.


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