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3 Tips Before Opening Your Own Store

By Guest Author | April 17, 2015

For as long as you can remember, you’ve aspired to own and operate a store in your hometown. Having spent years working in the service sector, you’ve developed a deep-seated appreciation for jobs that revolve around pleasing customers.


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Additionally, your vast experience in the retail industry has taught you a thing or two about the tenets of a successful business. After observing the various successes and failures of the managers you’ve worked under, you’re confident you have what it takes to go into business for yourself. Now that you’ve rented store space and committed to opening your own establishment, there are a number of important preparations you’ll need to make.

Hire Employees You Can Trust

Before declaring your store open for business, you’ll need to recruit a top-notch staff of managers and sales associates. When actively recruiting, make a point of looking for individuals who possess an advanced understanding of the types of products in which your business specializes. Equally important are their customer service skills.

Even if someone knows a great deal about certain products, she needs to be able to engage customers in a polite and personable manner. Ideally, the sales associates you hire should have experience in the service industry, but this shouldn’t act as the determining factor in whether or not to bring them on board. When filling managerial positions, limit your choices to applicants who are experienced in overseeing groups of people and assigning tasks accordingly.

Find Reliable Supply Chain Solutions

To ensure that your store always has a steady supply of incoming inventory, you’ll need to find a reliable supply chain service. Many supply chain companies offer a wide range of transport and delivery options, including truck, freight, boat and aircraft. In addition, these companies often provide registered businesses and frequent clients with generous discounts. You can even schedule deliveries months ahead of time, thus enabling you to plan inventory shifts well in advance.

Advertise Accordingly

In order to spread the word about your store prior to its opening, you’ll need to advertise in a number of local media outlets. In the days leading up to your grand opening, make a point of purchasing ad space in local papers and alternative newsweeklies. In addition, consider buying ad time on local radio stations and television outlets.

If you don’t have any experience designing print advertisements or producing ad spots, enlist the services of a local marketing firm. The skilled copywriters, graphic designers and tech experts employed by these companies will be able to whip up professional-grade advertisements in a timely and efficient manner.

Opening your own store can be equal parts exciting and stress-inducing. Overseeing the day-to-day operations of your business is liable to be the most rewarding and challenging job you’ve ever held. To ensure that you’re comfortably able to settle into your new role, remember to hire employees you can trust, enlist the services of a reliable supply chain company and advertise your business in local media outlets.

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