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5 Benefits of Using a Bidet Toilet

By Jamie Richardson | May 15, 2018

If you are looking for ways to help the environment, purchasing a bidet toilet might be the right option for you. Here are just five benefits of using a bidet toilet.

Saving the Planet
One of the first benefits of using a bidet toilet is that you will be conserving waste. Using a bidet toilet is far less stressful on the environment than using conventional toilet tissue. With 35.6 billion rolls of toilet paper being used every year by Americans, using a bidet toilet can help you use up to 90 percent less toilet paper. Investing in a bidet toilet will enable you to play a part in helping save the planet and live a more environmentally friendly lifestyle.

Another benefit to using a bidet toilet is the increase in cleanliness. When using toilet paper, there is every guarantee that residue will be left behind. As water is regarded as the universal solvent, this means that water is much more effective at cleansing your skin. Enhancing your personal hygiene is one of the main benefits of using a bidet toilet. Having good personal hygiene can help eliminate any infectious diseases and germs that could be transmitted.

Better Skin Care
For those who have sensitive skin, toilet paper can quite often be too harsh on contact. With that in mind, many people are opting for bidet toilets for their gentle nature. Many people who suffer from allergies and sensitive skin can benefit enormously from switching to a bidet toilet. Bidet toilets are also comfortable to use, giving your skin the care it requires. Websites like Simple Toilet can help you find some of the best bidet toilets on the market today.

Saving Money
With modern bidet toilets being available to purchase at under $100, this makes the appliance cost-effective, giving you excellent value for money. Bidet toilets can be great for new mothers, seniors, or those who suffer from medical conditions that limit their mobility. As you will not need to use much toilet paper, this will help you cut down on costs. Also, bidet toilets are easy to install and have a long shelf life, helping you get the most out of your bidet and saving money overall.

Reduce Plumbing Problems
A bidet toilet can also help reduce plumbing problems in your house, as well as preventing clogs building up in your sewer pipes. A bidet toilet only requires a small amount of toilet tissue to be used, meaning there is a far less chance that your sewer pipes are going to be clogged up. When clogs appear, you usually need to contact a professional plumber, which can end up being costly. Plumbing problems can be incredibly frustrating, so switching to a bidet toilet can help eliminate any problems altogether.

Make sure to look around at the different bidet toilets available, so you can pick the right one for you. It could be worth seeing if any of your friends or family have a bidet toilet, so you can find out more benefits a bidet toilet could bring you.

Photo Credit: sferrario1968 via pixabay

Jamie is a 5-year freelance writer who enjoys real estate. He is currently a Realty Biz News Contributor.
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