Smartwatches first burst onto the scene in 1999 when Samsung debuted its first model. The first smartwatches didn’t exactly achieve commercial success, and until recently, techies and fitness buffs were the only ones to adopt the trend. Today, lots of people are wearing the latest and greatest smart technology on their wrists. From business women to stay-at-home dads, the smart technology market has reached more people than ever before. Here’s why all real estate agents should add a smartwatch to their wardrobe.
Make a Call From Your Wrist
Over the last few decades technology has come a long way, moving from landlines to car phones to cellphones to smartphones and tablets. Smartwatches are just another part of the technology evolution. And these 4G connected smartwatches, like Samsung’s Gear 2, can make calls, too. With its Bluetooth capability, you don’t even have to take out your phone to dial. So next time you need to make a bid or call your contractor, you won’t have to worry about fumbling with your phone.
Discretely Screen Text Messages
In addition to making calls easier, smartwatches make viewing texts simple and more efficient than ever before. Sometimes, it’s just not polite to check your phone. With a smartwatch you don’t have to worry about offending a client, peers or your boss by checking your messages on your cellphone. A smartwatch makes screening your incoming text messages discreet. In most cases, they won’t even notice that you’ve checked your inbox.
Never Get Lost Again
If you’re selling a property in an unfamiliar area of town, it’s easy to get lost or turned around in the wrong direction. Although mapping apps can be helpful, taking your attention away from the road and fidgeting with your cellphone in the car is dangerous. A safer alternative is the smartwatch as they offer turn-by-turn navigation with voice command technology. This makes directions accessible directly from your wrist, so you don’t have to take your eyes off the road or your hands off of the wheel, which makes your commute around town much safer.
Track Your Health
Let’s face it. When you feel your best, you perform your best at work. Part of feeling good is living an active and healthy lifestyle. Smartwatches are just one of the latest technological tools that help you meet and achieve your fitness and health goals. Special built-in monitors track your movements and health metrics, allowing you to keep track of your data and set new goals along the way to living a healthier lifestyle.
Always Be on Time
Don't forget the primary function of a watch. Although today’s smartwatches offer innovative and powerful technology, they still tell time the old-fashioned way. Whether you opt for a more traditional dial face or a digital style, you’ll always be on time. After all, as a real estate agent you’re always on the go, so you should have a watch that suits your lifestyle. Most smartwatches can be paired with business casual clothing, so make it personal and choose a band in your favorite color, or go for a shape or size that really makes a statement.
About the author: Lauren Topor is a lifestyle writer based in the Southwest who spends her days writing about food and health, fashion, fitness and entertainment.