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7 Reasons to Rent out Your Home

By Guest Author | July 25, 2016

If you are no longer living in your home, selling it is not the only option. Renting a property can actually be very lucrative. Though the responsibilities of a landlord can take a little time, you receive these seven benefits.


1. Get Some Extra Cash

At first, you may have a few expenses when renting out your home, but it is rare for a homeowner to not make any money on a rental. Even a few hundred extra dollars each month can be very helpful. The money can go toward any number of things including utility bills and other household expenses. It will ultimately help you save money in the long run.

2. Have Home Security

Even if you are moving on to a new location, it will give you a sense of security that you can always go back to your old home if needed. Instead of selling your house and losing the money, a rental home will always be there for you.

3. It is Quite Simple

The main thing that people worry about when considering renting is the difficulty of being a landlord. However you can hire a talented agency such as Donna Lasater Real Estate & Property Management who will help you to deal with any hassle while still making a profit.

4. You Get Tax Benefits

Many people are surprised to learn just how many deductions they can get. You can save a lot of money during tax season with a bit of help from a tax adviser. You may even get more money back on your tax returns.

5. You Can Wait to Sell in a Better Market

After the housing market collapse, prices were very low for a while. Though real estate values are starting to go back up, they still are not extremely high. You can generate some money through renting while you wait for market values to increase.

6. It is a Great Investment

Most investments require you to put money towards something and wait for financial returns. With a rental home, you have already put money into the house, and you start getting returns right away.

7. You Will Learn So Much

Managing a rental property is a great learning experience that will help you to discover more about investing, advertising, customer service, and the real estate market. Many people who start renting out their home eventually turn property rental into a career.

These reason show just how great it can be to rent out your home. It can be a simple way to make money without putting your finances at risk. With a bit of help from a talented real estate agent, you will be earning money from your rental in no time.

About the Author: Lizzie Weakley is a freelance writer from Columbus, Ohio. She went to college at The Ohio State University where she studied communications. In her free time, she enjoys the outdoors and long walks in the park with her 3-year-old husky Snowball. The information in this article is credited to Donna Lasater Real Estate & Property Management.

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