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Antonio F. Marquez Appointed Chief Real Estate Lender At EagleBank

By Donna S. Robinson | July 22, 2011

EagleBank CEO Ronald Paul has announced that Antonio F. "Tony" Marquez has been appointed Executive Vice President and Chief Real Estate Lender for the Bank. Mr. Marquez will be taking on the challenge of expanding Eaglebank's real estate portfolio in today's difficult economic climate. He will be reporting directly to Eaglebank CEO Ronald D. Paul.

Antonio F. Marquez

New EagleBank real estate chief Tony Marquez. Image courtesy of Layc-dc

Marquez has extensive experience in real estate lending and commercial banking. He has demonstrated a commitment to high quality lending practices, and has previously been an executive with major banking entities such as Riggs National Bank, (now PNC).  Mr. Marquez is a former mortgage broker who has also worked for other financial giants such as Chase Manhattan Bank. Notably, Marquez has avoided many of the commercial mortgage lending troubles that have plagued thousands of other lenders since the real estate market crash began in 2008.

"We are extremely fortunate to be able to have Mr. Marquez as the leader of our real estate lending division," commented EagleBank Chairman and CEO, Ronald D. Paul, who also indicated that Marquez has the skills and experience to grow EagleBank's lending portfolio even with the challenges presented by today's economic environment.

EagleBank was one of the few banks that actually reported a profit in 2008. Despite the worst real estate market crash of the post World War II era, EagleBank reported net income of $7.4 million dollars for 2008, and has remained stable despite the challenges of the real estate lending crisis of the past few years. It is anticipated that Mr. Marquez will compliment this legacy of sensible lending standards, to help EagleBank grow and thrive in the years ahead.



EagleBank is based in Bethesda, MD. 2011 financial reports indicate a 62% increase in troubled assets year over year, from $20,627,000 in March of 2010 to $32,802,000 in March of 2011. While this amount is a relatively small percentage of the banks total reported assets of $2,172,306,000, such an increase in troubled assets will likely be a focus for the new Executive Vice President and Chief Real Estate Lender.

Donna S. Robinson has been involved in the real estate industry since 1996. A licensed agent and real estate investor, she is a recognized expert on residential real estate investing. Her course, "Fundamentals & Strategies For Real Estate Investing" is approved for CE credit by the GA Real Estate Commission. She has authored several books on real estate investing, and consults with residential investment companies. She also offers coaching services to real estate investors.

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