MLS in Real Estate
Home Buying, Home Sales, US Real Estate

Multiple Listing Service: What You Need to Know

By Bill Gassett | August 23, 2022
Have you heard the term MLS in real estate and wondered what it meant? When you begin the process of either buying or selling a home, you are likely to hear about the multiple listings service. The multiple listing service or MLS is a way for real estate agents to connect buyers and sellers better. […]
Lower Priced Housing Options
Home Buying, US Real Estate

Lower Income Home Options Explained

By Bill Gassett | August 21, 2022
Low Income Housing Choices Are you looking for low priced housing options due to having a smaller income? With home prices having skyrocketed across the country over the last few years it has been harder than ever to find affordable housing. It has been a crazy seller's market characterized by bidding wars with many homes […]
What Does a Real Estate Attorney Do For Home Sellers
Editorial Insider

What Do Real Estate Attorneys Do For Sellers?

By Bill Gassett | August 8, 2022
When an attorney for real estate represents a seller, they could be involved in drafting contracts, negotiating terms, reviewing documents, as well as offering advice, and dealing with problems. If you are selling your home, hiring a lawyer for real estate could be a valuable decision, even if it isn’t required in your state. Lots […]
How Real Estate Agents Get Paid

How Do Realtors Get Paid For a Home Sale?

By Bill Gassett | July 31, 2022
Most consumers, whether buying or selling a home, understand that real estate agents are paid a commission. From there, it gets blurry what consumers know and don't know. How a real estate professional gets compensated is a question often asked. The question is understandable because real estate isn't as straightforward as a typical salesperson. Real […]
Properties That Need Due Diligence
Home Buying, US Real Estate

3 Properties That Need More Due Diligence Before Purchasing

By Bill Gassett | July 25, 2022
When you are buying a home there are three types of properties that need more research and due diligence. These kinds of properties include condemned houses, hoarder homes, and short sales. It is easy to make mistakes when you don't do your homework. Home buying mistakes could cost you ten's of thousands of dollars and […]
Get Mortgage With Low or No Down Payment
Home Buying, US Real Estate

Getting a Home Loan With Low or No Down Payment

By Bill Gassett | July 20, 2022
Saving for a down payment was always difficult for first-time buyers, but the recent increase in home prices has made things much more challenging. Finding a sizable down payment on a house of 10% or 20% can be daunting, but there are other options. Buyers do have a low down payment choice from federal programs, […]
Kick-Out Clause vs. Home Sale Contingency
Home Sales, US Real Estate

A kick-Out Clause Beats a Home Sale Contingency For Sellers

By Bill Gassett | July 17, 2022
Kick-Out Clause vs. Home Sale Contingency Depending on the type of real estate market you are likely to see different clauses added to a real estate contract. When the real estate market favors sellers home sale contingencies almost become extinct. In hot markets there would never be a need for a seller to even considered […]
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