Featured News, Residential, US Real Estate

Economists Praying For Housing Recovery

By Mike Wheatley | June 2, 2011
It’s a vicious circle we’re stuck in folks. Home prices won’t go up until there are more jobs, but there won’t be any more jobs around till the housing market recovers. This is a big problem because right now, both the broader economy and housing markets are struggling to get into gear. With hiring losing […]
Featured News, Real Estate, Residential, US Real Estate

Dealing With First Time Buyers

By Mike Wheatley | May 27, 2011
One of the greatest things about being a realtor is when we get to work with first time buyers, helping young families to achieve their dream of buying their own home – it’s a truly rewarding, fulfilling experience. But the flip side of this is that when it comes to first-time buyers, you need to […]
Featured News

Realty Reality TV Show Making Waves

By Mike Wheatley | May 24, 2011
Set in an immaculate triplex loft in Brooklyn near the East River, the party had it all – the cream of New York’s high society, young, beautiful models dressed in Calvin Klein and Nina Ricci, trays of canapés offered by the circulating waiters, a jazz band keeping a steady beat and grand views of the […]
Featured News, Real Estate, Residential, US Real Estate

Property Value Insurance Makes Perfect Sense

By Mike Wheatley | May 17, 2011
What with US property prices falling all over the country and homeowners seeing literally thousands of dollars wiped off their greatest asset, haven’t you ever wondered why no one tries to hedge against this kind of risk? Just last week, Zillow reported that US property prices in the US fell again for the 57th straight […]
Featured News, US Real Estate

Unemployment Still Grips Atlanta Market - But Why?

By Phil Butler | May 12, 2011
An article I just read in the Atlanta Business Chronicle reveals once again the real key to the recovery of the real estate market - jobs. Just why top officials, industry experts, or even the savvy investor cannot grasp this simplest of economic indicators - this is the mystery of the Great Recession which never seems to end.
Featured News, US Real Estate

Former Bin Laden Home Up For Sale

By Mike Wheatley | May 9, 2011
Just a short, thirty minute drive out from Orlando, lying on the State Road 50 just before Florida Tumpike there’s new property just come onto the Florida real estate market.   At a first glance, it’s unlikely you’d suspect unusual about the mansion, except for the fact it has obviously been abandoned. The property has […]
Featured News, Vacation Properties

Gaylord Resorts Team Up With Dreamworks And Shrek!

By Mike Wheatley | April 30, 2011
A luxury hotel resort chain in Florida is launching a new initiative to try and get more guests in the door, teaming up with Dreamworks Studios as it makes its entry into the movie business.
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