Drawbacks of an Open Listing
Home Sales, US Real Estate

What Are The Drawbacks of an Open Listing?

By Bill Gassett | December 15, 2023
In the ever-evolving world of real estate, negotiating terms and conditions can often become a high-stakes juggling act. While embracing the freedom of an open listing contract is tempting, several hidden pitfalls might turn that dream deal into a monumental misstep. Let's examine the complications that an open listing contract can unwittingly spring upon unsuspecting […]
Home Sales

Common Mistakes Home Sellers Make When Preparing for a Quick Sale

By Thomas O'Shaughnessy | December 11, 2023
Anyone looking to sell their home would agree that a quick and profitable sale is the ideal scenario. But selling an investment property or your primary home, even in a seller’s market, can quickly become overwhelming and frustrating if you’re unfamiliar with the ins and outs of real estate.   Unrealistic pricing, inadequate marketing, and mistiming […]
MLS abbreviations
Home Buying, Home Sales, US Real Estate

Why Are The MLS Listing Codes and Abbreviations Important to Know?

By Bill Gassett | November 28, 2023
The Multiple Listing Service (MLS) is a vital resource in the real estate market. It provides a comprehensive database of properties available for sale, maintained by real estate brokers. Understanding MLS abbreviations is crucial when navigating property listings. Additionally, MLS codes indicate property status, pricing, and sales information. We will explore the meanings behind MLS […]
Pros and cons of virtual staging
Home Buying, Home Sales, US Real Estate

What Are The Upsides and Downsides of Virtual Staging?

By Bill Gassett | November 10, 2023
Virtual staging offers both advantages and disadvantages in the real estate industry. Using virtual tools, properties can be showcased with furniture and decor without physical staging. The goal is to make the house sell faster by giving potential buyers a better presentation. This cost-effective and flexible approach allows for easy changes and adaptations. On the […]
Types of real estate business models
Home Sales, US Real Estate

4 Types of Real Estate Companies Sellers Should Know

By Bill Gassett | October 31, 2023
Different Real Estate Models Worth Knowing In real estate, there are different types of business models. Each has a purpose and benefit for the clientele they serve. We will look at each model, so you have a basic understanding and can make better choices for your needs. Most people know how traditional real estate brokerages […]
Home Sales

The Role of Professional Photography in Selling Your Home

By Thomas O'Shaughnessy | October 25, 2023
When you’re selling your house, one of the first items on your to-do list is to get photos for your listing.  If you’re like a lot of buyers, you may consider taking them yourself. After all, your Instagram account is probably full of nice-looking selfies and photos of food — how much harder could it […]
Mansion tax
Home Buying, Home Sales, US Real Estate

Understanding the Mansion Tax: What You Need to Know

By Bill Gassett | October 4, 2023
The mansion tax is a topic that has been gaining attention in recent years. Understanding the mansion tax and how it works is crucial for homeowners. It is a tax imposed on high-value properties designed to target the wealthy. But what is considered a mansion? Maximum Real Estate Exposure is a terrific resource for explaining […]
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