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Real Estate Resource, Residential, US Real Estate

Free Florida Foreclosure Seminar by Stopa Law Firm

By Allison Halliday | June 15, 2011
A well-known foreclosure defense attorney who is already representing several hundred homeowners in Florida, is to conduct a foreclosure seminar in Tampa Florida, and will give free representation to five Floridians of his choosing.   Mark Stopa, of Stopa Law Firm, will hold the free seminar at 11 am on Saturday, June 25. It will […]
International, US Real Estate, World Real Estate

Chinese search for overseas property

By Allison Halliday | June 15, 2011
Chinese investors are looking to spend some of their new-found wealth on a real estate abroad, with increasing numbers attending property exhibitions. While Hong Kong property has proved popular in the past, many Chinese now feel it is overvalued and are looking to alternative markets, especially cities which already have well-established Chinese populations such as […]
Real Estate, Residential, US Real Estate

London Rental Costs Continue To Rise

By Mike Wheatley | June 14, 2011
Central London rents look set to increase by as much as 8% to 10% by the end of this year, putting huge pressure on their tenant’s finances, says a new report by property consultants in the UK. The latest report from Cluttons’ Residential Property Forecasts says that the growing demand for rental properties in London […]
Industry Technology, Real Estate Resource, US Real Estate

Prop2Go Expands into Seven Countries

By Allison Halliday | June 14, 2011
The Internet Company Prop2Go is expanding its global presence into an additional seven countries, less than a year after launching its North American site. Prop2Go has taken the decision to expand globally rather than focusing on the local market, and Jason Richard, founder and CEO of the company says "We have the technology already developed, […]
Mortgage, US Real Estate

NY and Delaware Probe Trustee Banks

By Allison Halliday | June 14, 2011
The Attorney General of New York, Eric Schneiderman, has requested more information from a number of financial institutions as part of an ongoing investigation into the way mortgages were sold to investors. Eric Schneiderman’s office has requested documents from the Bank of New York Mellon Corp and Deutsche Bank, as it continues to look into […]
Industry Technology, Real Estate Resource, US Real Estate

Cloud Technology for Realtors (Part 2 of 2)

By Hal Weinshank | June 14, 2011
Cloud storage technology was first introduced by both Google (think GoogleApps and GoggleDocs) and Amazon back in 2009. Apple recently introduced its iCloud storage and is pushing to capitalize on the growing needs many companies have for expanding storage capabilities. As a Realtor or Mortgage Professional, cloud storage offers the freedom to be in the […]
US Real Estate, World Real Estate

Dubai Real Estate - Not Dried Up Yet

By Phil Butler | June 14, 2011
Just when you thought the American real estate industry was in trouble, news from Dubai suggests things are not much better there. IN the past two years some 200 plus real estate projects have been canceled according to the Real Estate Regulatory Authority there. RERA reviewed some 450 projects, only 237 of which seem destined for completion.
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