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Cecilian Partners Successfully Raises $11 Million in Series A Funding Round

By Mihaela Lica Butler | September 20, 2023
Cecilian Partners Logo

Cecilian Partners, a proptech firm that offers comprehensive digital solutions for home builders and land developers, has successfully raised $11 million in its first institutional equity round led by Resolve Growth Partners. This funding will enable Cecilian to accelerate product innovation, expand its workforce in crucial areas, and further enhance its customer success team.

John Cecilian, Jr., the company's co-founder and CEO, expressed his excitement and validation upon receiving the term sheet from Resolve Growth Partners:

"This investment transitions us from a 'scrappy start-up' to a focused organization positioned to win. We are grateful to the team at Resolve and ready to accomplish meaningful growth and customer expansion."

Despite a recent decline in early-stage funding, Resolve selected Cecilian Partners after conducting extensive due diligence and evaluating numerous SaaS companies. They were impressed by Cecilian's impressive revenue growth, proven business model, and a clear path to profitability.

"We're thrilled to have the opportunity to partner with John and the rest of the team at Cecilian Partners to build the category-leading platform for land developers and home builders," said Resolve co-founder and Managing Partner Chris Rhodes. "This market has traditionally been underserved by technology. Cecilian offers a first-of-its-kind solution to help its customers transform their businesses through digitization and a true partnership approach."

Since its establishment in 2019, Cecilian Partners has focused on serving the rapidly growing new homes segment in residential real estate. Their innovative software suite streamlines the land and property development process, consolidating data, automating manual tasks, and providing an enhanced customer experience throughout the homebuying journey.

Cecilian's revenue tripled in the past year, surpassing the typical growth rate for early-stage SaaS companies. Additionally, their client base expanded by 65%. The company now serves builders and developers across multiple states, boasting over 75 clients in Texas and Florida alone, where nearly one-third of all new homes in the US are constructed.

In addition to securing funding, Cecilian was recognized for its achievements throughout the year. They were included in the HousingWire TECH100 list, honored with a PHL Inno Fire Award, and acknowledged as one of the best places to work in the greater Philadelphia area.

With Resolve's support, Cecilian will accelerate its pace of product innovation and talent acquisition. They will also benefit from Resolve's financial expertise and experience in building successful SaaS companies. As part of this strategy, the company's Board of Directors will undergo restructuring, with Chris Rhodes and Rocco Natalicchio from Resolve joining the board. Stephanie McCarty, Chief Marketing & Communications Officer at Taylor Morrison, and Ned Moore, co-founder and CEO of Clutch, will continue to serve on the board, bringing their expertise in real estate development and SaaS markets, respectively.

Stephanie McCarty expressed her belief that Cecilian Partners is well-positioned to drive innovation in the new home construction industry. She highlighted the company's expansive suite of products, which can address outdated processes and longstanding challenges, ultimately enhancing the experience for customers, builders, and developers.

With Resolve's investment, Cecilian will rapidly expand its team by hiring key roles in business development, in-house technology and research, customer success, and marketing. These new hires will help capture growth opportunities, drive innovation, improve client support, and increase brand visibility across the country. Over the next 12-15 months, Cecilian plans to increase its workforce by 50%, with additional staff based in Chicago, Dallas, Raleigh, and their headquarters in New Hope, Pennsylvania.

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Mihaela Lica Butler is senior partner at Pamil Visions PR. She is a widely cited authority on public relations issues, with an experience of over 25 years in online PR, marketing, and SEO.She covers startups, online marketing, social media, SEO, and other topics of interest for Realty Biz News.
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