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Checklist Of What to Do After Buying A New Home

By Jamie Richardson | March 3, 2023

There are several key items to take care of after purchasing a new home in 2023. Congratulations! The journey to homeownership is just beginning – and there are lots of important factors to keep in mind. Homeowners face a wide range of different daily tasks and serious responsibilities. Many of these obligations begin immediately after the closing day. If you are buying a home this spring, make a list of all the pending work you still have to do. This way, you can start settling into your new spot with comfort, happiness, and peace of mind. Read on for a complete checklist of what to do after buying a new home. 

Perform A Deep Cleaning

Before you start living in your new place full-time, you’ll want to conduct a complete deep cleaning. After a closing day, the house will likely be “broom clean” – meaning light vacuuming, removal of debris, or clearing of excess items. So, an in-depth deep clean is always recommended. Hire experienced professional cleaners, who will clean your entire property for a flat fee. If you prefer to handle all the cleaning yourself, there are a few essential items to take care of. For a start, deep clean the carpets, wash all the windows, polish flooring, and thoroughly scrub tiles. Next, replace any included curtains, blinds, or shower covers. You should also carefully wash any appliances that came with the sale, like ovens, microwaves, dishwashers, and laundry equipment.  

Upgrade The Roofing

Next, think about upgrading the roof of your new home. A brand-new roof can help increase property value, boost curb appeal, and give you an all-around healthier home. According to expert roofers in The Villages at The Roof Guys, “a properly installed rooftop increases property values, boosts visual aesthetics, and provides protection during severe weather conditions.” Plus, a brand-new roofing system can promote energy efficiency, safety, and peace of mind. Put a brand new roof over your head – complete with solar-powered attic vent fans and genuine-manufactured tubular skylights. Certainly, include re-roofing, repair, and replacement tasks on your new home move-in checklist. 

Install Smoke Detectors

Every home checklist needs to mention smoke detectors. Most likely, your smoke detectors were already inspected during the real estate transaction. However, you should still conduct your own due diligence. After all, these simple devices play a major role in home safety and personal defense – especially if you’re somebody who frequently cooks, uses lots of candles, or has a fireplace. Make sure you test the smoke detectors to ensure they’re working properly, and probably replace the batteries. Then, check if the home has carbon monoxide detectors installed. Since carbon monoxide is can’t be seen, smelt, tasted, or felt, it is next-to-impossible to detect. Surely, install smoke detectors to get situated in your brand-new home. 

Locate The Primary Water Shutoff Valve

Now, head down to your utility room and locate your main water shutoff valve. While you should still include this on your new homeowners’ checklist, it should take no more than a few minutes. You’ll want to know where the primary shutoff is – just in case you ever need to quickly turn off the water to the entire house. Look for a gate-type valve, which will usually have a rubberish, rounded handle. Typically, you can shut this off by hand. Just turn it perpendicular to the surrounding pipes. Run a few tests just to be prepared in case of an emergency. Indeed, locate the primary water shutoff valve after moving into your new home. 

Get Your Finances in Order

There are several checklist items to outline for post-home-purchase finances. Once you buy a new home, you’ll want to revisit your budget. Work out a clear, organized, and homeowner-focused financial plan that you can follow for the upcoming years. Within your budget, be sure to set aside funds for upgrades, regular maintenance, or unexpected repairs. Also, you should take an additional look at your retirement plan. You may have to revisit your contributions or payment schedule now that you have new financial obligations in your head. There should be several items on your checklist for the post-home purchase process. First and foremost, take time to fully deep clean your new home. Next, consider the benefits of replacing your home’s roof. This is one of the best ways to promote energy efficiency, maximize curb appeal, and add value to your home. Now, you are ready to install and test smoke detectors throughout your property. Then, go to your utility room and find the main water shutoff valve. At this point, it is time to start getting your finances in order. Follow the points above for a complete checklist of what to do after buying a new home.

Jamie is a 5-year freelance writer who enjoys real estate. He is currently a Realty Biz News Contributor.
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