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Could a College Degree Make You a Better Property Investor?

By Guest Author | October 19, 2016

One of the best things about property investment is that so long as you have the capital to purchase a property and begin making a profit from it, there’s no need to have any formal education.


Although many property investors have been to college, a college degree isn’t a requirement when it comes to making money from investing in real estate. However, with more and more people turning to property investing in order to make money, the market is becoming that little bit more competitive. Could a college degree give property investors an advantage?

Learn Whilst You Earn

Thanks to online degree courses, there’s no need for property investors to drop everything and go to college in order to get a degree. Even if you’re a well-established real estate investor who owns a range of different properties, online degree courses allow you to study in your spare time and earn your degree whilst learning new knowledge and skills which will help you to make the most from your investments. For example, completing an online master of science in analytics could help you to improve your skills when it comes to analyzing financial and housing markets.

Choosing a Course

As a property investor, you’ll probably find that there are several different courses available which could suit you. Often, investors take a degree in finance or even in accounting, which is an excellent course for anybody who looks after their own tax, or hopes to in the future in order to save money. Analytical degree courses, such as an MSA degree online, are also ideal. Business, administration, and economics degree courses can all also be excellent choices for anybody who wants to become more successful as a property investor.

Career Prospects

Being a property investor doesn’t have to be your full-time job – in fact, when done right, property investment can earn you a decent passive income that you won’t need to work for. This means that for many property investors, working full-time or part-time is a good way to supplement this income and have more money to put away into savings, investments, or retirement funds. Taking a college degree not only helps you to develop your skills as a property investor, but it can also help you to climb further up the career ladder elsewhere.

Property Investing as a Business

If you’re interested in investing in and selling on property as a business, you may find taking a college degree in business or a business-related subject incredibly useful. Although starting your own business doesn’t require a college degree, one can certainly come in handy when it comes to things such as writing a business plan, marketing, branding, financial planning, tax, human resources, and more.

If you’re a property investor or are thinking about investing in property as a way of making an extra income, you might find that doing a college degree helps you to get the most for your money. Thanks to online learning, you can study for a range of great degrees from the comfort of your own home.

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