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Do You Need A Real Estate Agent To Buy Or Sell A Home?

By Jamie Richardson | May 22, 2020

Buying a house or selling the one you already own are both huge decisions. When you think about it closely, you will realize that those are the decisions that ultimately shape your future and completely change the way you have been living your life up until that moment. In addition to deciding that you want to do any of these two things, you need to think closely about when the time is right to do it and when it is wrong. Read this to understand the current economic situation before you make a decision.

No matter when or where you decide to buy or sell, there is one question that will always pop up as the first one on your list of many questions that you will probably have. It is the question of how. How do you want to go about your selling or buying process, on your own or with the help of real estate agents? This is the first decision you will need to make and we have to admit that it is not an easy one for everyone.

People are generally confused with this question because they can never be sure whether an agent is actually necessary for accomplishing their selling or purchasing goals. There are opposing opinions regarding this topic, with some individuals arguing that you cannot do anything without an agent and others claiming that realtors are a waste of time and money.

Since everyone thinks differently and everyone claims they know best, it’s no wonder you will get confused by this question yourself. That will leave you unsure of what the right thing to do is and you might definitely make a mistake. It’s time to get to the bottom of it once and for all.

I can safely say that you don’t really need to hire a real estate agent. I can also safely say that there are certain risks connected to going through the whole process on your own. As you can see, this question is really not easy to answer. I’ll try to make your choice easier by helping you understand what agents such as Scott and Lisa Homes and similar companies can do for buyers and sellers. After that, you can decide what you want to do on your own.


What They Can Do For Buyers

If you are a new home buyer, chances are that you don’t know much about the whole process. Even if you do know a few useful things, it’s only natural that you cannot be so well versed in the topic such as real estate companies. The people in this business have spent years building their career and learning the ins and outs of real estate.

The first thing that you need to take into consideration when making a decision like this is whether you are familiar enough with the market to take it upon yourself to find the perfect home. Depending on the line of business you are in, you might actually be knowledgeable in this area, but you might also be completely clueless.

Real estate agents, on the other hand, are the ones that know the market perfectly. Their knowledge will not only help you find the home that you were dreaming of, but it will also save you a lot of time and effort in the process. It’s up to them to deal with the searching process and, frankly, that process can be distressing. Simply put, you save time and you save your nerves by hiring an agent.

In addition to that, they can also save you money. Look at it this way. Are you really an expert in negotiating? Are you able to get the best roof over your head and scale down the price a little bit in the process? Real estate agents are usually negotiating wizards, so if you have one on your side, you might save some money.

Another thing that you need to consider is all the paperwork. It can really be a nightmare, but it is far easier when you have an expert on your side. Remember, all of this and many more benefits usually come free of charge for the buyer, since the seller is the one paying commission.


What They Can Do For Sellers

Even though the sellers are the ones paying commission, they too can significantly benefit from the services provided by real estate agent. The fee is usually not that big and it is definitely worth every penny when you find the right people to work with you.

They start with evaluating the home that is up for sale. Their estimate can be different from the listing price, meaning that it can go both higher and lower. You shouldn’t be upset if they give you a lower estimate and you should listen to what they have to say.

Given that they understand the market perfectly, they won’t let you sell your home for a fraction of what you could be getting, but they also won’t let you give an unreasonable price and make the sale impossible. It’s their job to find the perfect balance that will get your house sold quickly and for a great deal.

Marketing is probably at the top of the list of things realtors can help you with. These experts know how to advertise and they know how to make a sale and do it fast. Additionally, just like they can negotiate for the buyer, they can negotiate for the seller as well and get the deal that is in their interest.There are many other things that need to be taken care of during the process of selling a house. Those include home inspection , home appraisal, as well as many other small details that you cannot even think of until they occur. Real estate agents are the experts that take care of all these things and prepare you for putting your signature on the contract and closing the deal.

Jamie is a 5-year freelance writer who enjoys real estate. He is currently a Realty Biz News Contributor.
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