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Essential Know-How of Concrete Slabs Flooring

By Guest Author | September 15, 2016

Concrete slabs are rectangular slabs made out of concretes, the length and breadth of which can be adjusted as per choice or specification but the depth is less. These slabs are widely used for constructing roofs and floors, and provide a great flooring solution.


The slabs vary greatly in design and the bottom sides of these slabs are usually changed keeping the topside flat. They are shallow in depth and the structures are reinforced. These are widely used in construction industries in building floors. Usually these vary in thickness from 10-50cms. Scan & Locate concrete x-ray are safe and preferred for scanning purposes.

Different Variation of Cement Slabs:

Concrete slabs are of many different types such as flat slabs, one or two-way slabs etc. One-way slabs are typically larger and supported from all four sides. The two-way slabs are supported from four directions and in addition to that a steel reinforcement remains perpendicular to the four sides. In case of flat slabs, they are devoid of beams and they remain lying on columns directly. These flat plates are better options for fire protection and are blessed with simplicity. These are most basic fundamental structures that are most widely used for flooring solutions.


Favourable Sides of Using Cement Slabs in Flooring:

The key benefits of using concrete slabs as flooring options are as follows:

  1. Fire resilience: The cement is not combustible and hence the flooring becomes fire proof. This feature is highly important for all commercial and residential buildings. This is especially useful for hazardous and congested constructions.
  2. Budget friendly: The entire flooring of a building requires some good amount of investment. These slabs are made using cheap and cost effective cement material which makes it budget friendly too. Floors made of cement slabs are low cost, highly efficient and practical. Some construction companies even use insulated concrete forms to allow minimal air infiltration. Over the long run, benefits of energy efficiency, disaster resistance and durability reduce the cost of owning a home.
  3. Low maintenance cost: The concrete slabs are easy to maintain and clean. The cement flooring can be easily cleaned with damp cloths or damp towels. These can be even cleaned with water and soap. The maintenance cost is very low cost.
  4. Water and moisture resilient: The cement is water resistant and hence damp or moisture has no effect on these flooring slabs. These slabs protect the floor from water damages and help in maintaining the structural integrity of the floors.
  5. Superior tenacity: Cement slabs are extremely durable and once installed can withstand a lot of pressure and force. The concrete slab floors can truly stand the test of time and last longer than any other part of the building.
  6. Quick construction process: The cement slabs are easy to cast hence the flooring made by it is speedily constructed. As the flooring part is done quickly, the process of constructing all the different stories of the building is also accelerated. If precast concrete slabs are used, then it saves both time and labour.
  7. Stiff and sturdy building material: Cement slabs are meant to carry heavy loads. Floors with cement slabs are stiff and have impeccable structural integrity.
  8. Saves energy: Cement slabs are thermally optimized and hence the floor acts as energy insulator. The slabs provide warmer environment compared to other flooring materials.

Unfavourable Sides of Using Cement Slabs in Flooring:

Like any other object the cement slabs too have a few cons. Once concrete slabs become defected they are almost impossible to rectify. In case of repairing the floor patchwork-repairing system will not yield any satisfactory results on this type of floorings. Though the floors are thermally optimized but they are not optimized for soundproofing. Concrete flooring needs skilled labours to be casted as once cast further changes are very difficult to be done. Hence, it is best to consider these pros and cons before taking a final decision.

About the author: Joseph Webb is an excellent blogger and philosopher, His keen observation to provide useful information which help readers to get more idea. He is the author of many active blogs like Real estate, concrete slabs. Follow him on Pinterest, @aussiesmag, +JosephWebbs and Facebook.

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