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Framingham Dental Center

By Guest Author | March 11, 2020

A confident smile is the beginning of a new life. Dental centers are the ones who bring this confidence in your smile. They make your teeth breath for beauty and longevity.  They are the designers of your teeth who shape it to give you an attractive look.

Reputable dental centers like the ones at offer a range of services, from basic dentistry to complicated cosmetic surgeries, to give a new life to your teeth. The Framingham dental centers have the best facilities surrounded by well-known experts in the field. You get complete consultation and outstanding service in one place, which means you don’t have to get into the hassle of traveling to different places for different services.

According to this website, we all are born with healthy teeth, but improper diet and unhealthy lifestyles are the bad friends that introduce unexpected threats to the teeth. Very few know that Oral care is equally important as you take care of your body. If not handled properly, it can lead to serious hazards.  Good Oral hygiene can help keep your teeth away from tooth decay, bad breath, and other gum diseases. Proper guidance on the maintenance of healthy teeth can be obtained from the well-trained professional dentists at the Framingham dental centers.They will guide from the scratch to ensure you follow the right methodology, thus escorting you towards a healthy smile.

What are the common dental problems?

Bleeding Gums

Bleeding gums is the most ignored problem by many. It is the first sign of infected gums. If not cured in time, it can worsen and lead to Pyria, and unfortunately, there is no concrete cure to this disease. So, it is better to regularly visit the dentist and get the scaling done to avoid any bleeding.


Consuming any cold or hot substance leads to dental sensitivity. Though many desensitizing solutions are available in the market to get rid of this problem, there is no guarantee on a 100% cure. Sometimes, it may be masking effect due to a cavity that cannot be cured by the desensitizing solutions, and the pain can return with a higher intensity. Such problems need proper professional guidance.

Dental pain

This is a serious problem that can demand procedures like a root canal. The root canal process usually takes three to four visits. The number of visits can also increase depending on your tooth conditions. So, ensure to visit the dentist in Framingham dental centersas soon as you experience the first symptom. A treatment done in time is always better as it requires fewer procedures and provides better results.

Yellow teeth

Various eating habits and bad oral hygiene lead to discoloration of teeth. When the bacteria from food are not cleaned properly, it gives rise to Plague, thus resulting in yellow teeth. Food intake like tea, coffee also stain your teeth. Apart from food, smoking and chewing tobacco also leads to staining of the teeth. This can be reduced by regular scaling, and you can also go for the whitening process to get your sparkling teeth back. Though whitening is not something recommended regularly, doing it occasionally has no harm.

Broken or missing teeth

Many times, you tend to ignore a broken or missing tooth if it is not visible through your smile. With that, you are inviting a bunch of dental problems for the future. The very simple solution is to get your teeth replaced either through a bridge or a dental implant.

Crooked teeth

This is the most common problem in children and, to some extent, in adults. Braces treatment is the best solution for crooked teeth, as advanced technology has made the procedure simpler and quicker.

When it comes to health, it is always better to take precautions than look for a cure later. Follow these simple oral hygiene tips to keep your teeth healthy and shiny.

  • Brush for two minutes, twice a day. Do not use the same brush for more than three months.
  • Drink more water and reduce the intake of sugary and acidic drinks.
  • Gargle after every meal.
  • Flossing is a tedious task but can work wonders if done regularly.
  • Say No to Tobacco and Smoking.
  • Consume teeth-healthy foods.
  • Visit your dentist regularly.

Don’t experiment with your teeth; consult the dentists in Framingham dental centers in time to avoid any future complications. Remember, the more you delay, the more you reduce the longevity of your teeth!

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