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Going Green at Home: 9 Awesome Reasons to Install Solar Panels

By Jamie Richardson | March 5, 2021

Are your energy bills starting to rise? You're not alone. Americans spend about $2,000 on energy each year.

Traditional power sources can eat at your bank account. They also impact the environment by producing greenhouse gases. Instead of relying on traditional power sources, why not install community solar panels?

On the fence? Here are nine benefits of installing solar panels for your home. By switching your energy source, you can help the environment and your wallet.

Make a financially smart change! Keep reading to discover the nine top benefits of getting solar panels today.

1. Save Money

Take a look at your energy bills. Homes and commercial buildings use 39% of the country's energy. Why are you still paying $2,000 on energy every year when there's a cheaper option?

Many people install solar panels to save money. The return on investment can prove worth the installation costs. Getting solar panels for your home can present a long-term benefit, too. 

You'll notice lower utility bills the day your solar panels are installed. Once they start generating sunlight, you'll have an affordable solution to your energy bill problems!

How much you save can depend on your roof and panel supplies. How much electricity you consume can determine your savings, too. Using a solar calculator is a good place to start to determine some of these factors.

Do you live in an area where sunlight is abundant? Every day the sun shines, you have a chance to save money! Your energy bills will drop, allowing you to save that money for the future. 

You can also protect yourself against rising energy costs. You can hedge utility prices and protect yourself from unpredictable rises in the future. If you're worried about fluctuating cash flow problems, solar panels can help you manage your expenses. 

2. Invest in Your Home

Are you thinking of selling your home sometime in the future? Installing a solar panel onto your home with the help of a solar installer technician could boost the property value!

Think about the unique features your home offers buyers. You can show buyers you've made a smart investment. They'll recognize the upgrade and how solar panels can benefit their financial future. 

In fact, some homebuyers are even willing to pay a premium for homes that are already equipped with a solar system.

It's not always enough to update your landscaping or add a fresh coat of paint. If you want your home to stand out in the market, consider installing solar panels. Homebuyers will see you have something unique to offer.

3. Earn a Tax Credit

In 2020, the residential federal tax credit allowed taxpayers to claim 26% of solar panel installation costs. For 2021, the credit dropped to 22%.

In addition to the federal solar tax credit, state governments are offering additional tax credits too. 

The tax credit you receive can add to your monthly energy savings. 

4. Protect the Environment

The energy generated by coal and oil contributes to global warming. Instead of using traditional energy methods, consider buying solar panels. Solar panels can offset carbon dioxide production.

Otherwise, burning fossil fuels will continue destroying the Earth's ozone layer. The ozone layer protects ice caps from melting. 

Solar power is a renewable source of energy. It will minimize the emission of:

  • Nitrogen oxide
  • Greenhouse gases like CO2
  • Sulfur oxide

If you want to reduce your carbon footprint, here's your chance!

Set the next generation up for success in the future. Consider switching to solar energy to avoid harming the environment. 

Solar panels generate energy using the sun. The process doesn't produce greenhouse gases or toxic smoke. Instead, you can cut back on fossil fuel use to protect the environment.

5. Have a Backup Plan

Are you prepared for a natural disaster? What if you're left without power for weeks at a time? Do you have a plan in place for your family?

Installing solar panels can give you a backup plan in case a power outage occurs.

You never know how long an outage could last. We've recently seen power outages in Texas. California cut its power off to keep forest fires from spreading as well. 

You can find solar companies in Texas here.

You don't have to go without power! Instead, consider these benefits of solar panels. You'll have access to power, even if a statewide outage occurs. 

6. Reduce Energy Reliance

Are you currently relying on an expensive energy provider? The sun won't raise its rates on you. Instead of relying on an energy provider, switch to the sun. 

You can even sell the extra energy you produce. If people are in need, you can feed the excessive energy to the grid. Some electricity companies are even willing to pay for that excess energy.

In other words, you can make money and help those around you. 

7. Low Maintenance

You won't have to do much to maintain your solar panels. In fact, many homeowners maintain their panels without help.

The panels are designed with longevity in mind. For the first few years, they likely won't require much maintenance at all. At the most, you'll need to remove dirt from the surface of your panels.

You can use a simple water hose to wash them off.

If you're in a rainy area, a few storms will do the work for you!

Otherwise, you can hire a professional to clean the panels once a year. 

8. Help the Local Economy 

The solar panel industry provides the US economy with additional jobs. As global warming becomes more of an issue, more people could turn toward solar energy. As the industry grows, more jobs will become available.

By installing solar panels, you could benefit your local economy.

9. Commit to Sustainability 

Do you want to demonstrate your commitment to sustainability this year? Install solar panels and make a step toward that commitment. 

There are many small ways you can switch to sustainable living. Buying solar panels, however, is a long-term step.

Shine On: 9 Stunning Reasons to Install Solar Panels to Your Home

Don't let energy costs drain your bank account. Instead, install solar panels and start experiencing these nine benefits. The benefits of solar panels could benefit your life and finances for years to come. 

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Jamie is a 5-year freelance writer who enjoys real estate. He is currently a Realty Biz News Contributor.
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