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How Managing Water Maintenance Protects The Home

By Jamie Richardson | May 14, 2020

Water damage can be one of the most troublesome problems in the home, yet also one of the most common. The costs of a water problem left untreated can be huge, with money management website How much estimating the average home will pay out $18.22 per square foot of damage – that’s nearly $1500 for the average bathroom. Many water damage problems start with just a minor factor – the dripping of a leak, for instance. It stands to reason that many problems can be rectified in the home with a little bit of knowledge; or, can be rectified early by knowing exactly when to bring the professionals in.

Serious problems

It’s important to assess the scale of a problem before you attempt any repairs. The most common problem where this applies is when a pipe bursts and floods your property. Burst pipes are not uncommon; in fact, in much of the USA, pipes are bursting with greater regularity due to the aging nature of the national water infrastructure, according to the New York Times. Pipe repairs are outside of the skill set of most homeowners; either through lack of equipment, lack of knowledge or because of stipulations in homeowners insurance. Make sure you seek professional help, and take immediate remedial action by shutting off water and drying out affected areas of the home. In the future, you can take steps to assess your home water maintenance situation to prevent bursts.

Good principles

A good all-round way to prevent burst pipes and leaks is to look at the underlying systems in your house. If you suspect that there are any leaks, you may hire a leak detection expert to locate them and do the necessary repairs. Old pipe systems can be a common culprit, and investing in new, durable systems can set you back but is a long-term investment that could also boost your property resale value. For less intrusive changes, look at how the water works within the home. A pressure gauge can be used to check that you’re not forcing water through the pipes at potentially damaging speeds. In winter, keeping a steady drip of warm water to ensure flows through pipes will help to prevent freezing and bursting.

Outside events

Pipe bursts aren’t the only cause of water damage in the home. Storms, roof leaks, groundwater up welling and a whole range of things can damage your home. These are only likely to be on the rise given the current climate and how extreme weather events are becoming more frequent, as shown by the National Centers for Environmental Information extreme statistics page. The best way to prevent out-of-home issues causing maintenance problems is to ensure that the exterior of your home is well protected; for instance that your guttering is clear of debris, that your roof is well maintained, and that you stay aware of local news as it concerns flooding, extreme wind and rain and other inclement weather types.

Water is one of the most dangerous elements to any home. Both internally and externally, much of the house works to ensure that water works for it, not against it. Don’t underestimate water-based problems; address them quickly, and effectively.

Jamie is a 5-year freelance writer who enjoys real estate. He is currently a Realty Biz News Contributor.
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