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How Realtors Can Save Time and Money with Business Card Automation

By Jamie Richardson | August 25, 2019

Saying that Real Estate is a competitive business is no news. However, evolving strategies could make businesses with the know-how to stand out. One of them is taking business cards seriously. Yes, business cards! Business cards are not outdated! They still have their importance when it comes to meeting people, connecting, and pitching your business brand. Business card automates the need to manually call out numbers, bore people with details, and so on. You can read up on realty business card tips or check out examples of the best real estate business card examples for current trends of business cards designs. Knowing that business card automation can save time and money, businesses with this knowledge give diligence to making their business cards look exotic and welcoming. Here is how business card automation can help realtors.

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It is an effective marketing tool: 

As much as digital marketing is important and effective to reach out to people online. It does not devaluate the place of business cards because you still need to connect with those you meet personally and let them know what you do. Hence, a business card will simplify marketing approach without much words or a waste of time. With a contact card, people become aware of your business brand and even when they don’t need you immediately, they can always reach you.

Business Card Ordering Automation:

You can simplify the stress and cost of creating new business by automating your card designing and ordering. Doing things manually means that it’s easy to miss a step out of the process, causing inconsistencies in design or how a business card is printed. However, with task automation, you can set a workflow that every staff member has to follow if they want new business cards or they want to update their information. As a business, you can create multiple business cards using the same template from Brandly. Brandly has a dashboard that helps you to create a specific workflow for business cards. You can set control over those who can find files, designs, and information to manage and print business cards on behalf of the organization. Card ordering automation, such as the one provided by Brandly saves time and the frustration of having to get a designer tweak designs until they are right and ready for printing.

It fast tracks connection: 

Sometimes you are in a hurry and you would like to really pitch what your organization does to someone, in a very inconvenient situation. A business card comes in handy and automates the connection. Saving time or and not losing the opportunity to connect to this prospective client. If you meet someone, for example, in a live event where things are noisy, and you consider such person to be a prospective client, it wouldn’t speak well to talk about digitally sharing your e-flyers with them or look to collect their contact details to share your business with them. With business cards, connection is automated and fast-tracked, making your business exude professionalism.

Continuous marketing and referral: 

Interestingly, a business card keeps pushing your brand even to places where you have never been to. Marketing requires funds and more so, consistently. Words of mouth establish the strongest bond of trustworthiness, either for a business brand or for an individual; hence considered a strong marketing means. The people in contact with your brand and have your business card will help you to spread the word about you and even share your business card with others who may be interested. A business card is a good tool for continuous marketing and referral, thereby, saving you time, energy, and money.

It simplifies follow up: 

A business card spares you the need to go about with a pen and paper at all times. Handing over a card is easier to do in rush hours. The interesting thing is that people can get to follow you up thereafter and at any time. This is easier than sharing phone contacts, which could be lost, or the person could forget what your name was saved with!

Jamie is a 5-year freelance writer who enjoys real estate. He is currently a Realty Biz News Contributor.
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