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Immaculate Home: 4 Health Benefits of Regular House Cleaning

By Guest Author | September 1, 2016

Do you struggle to find the energy or even desire to clean your home on a regular basis? While it's easy to see that it's beneficial because your home will look great, that's not the only advantage. There are numerous health benefits that come from regular house cleaning.

Immaculate Home 4 Health Benefits Of Regular House Cleaning

1. Reduce the Spread of Germs

According to the CDC (Centers for Disease Control), regularly cleaning the home and disinfecting surfaces and help get rid of germs. As a result this can help prevent the spread of colds or even influenza. In addition to this, disinfecting surfaces throughout your home can get rid of dangerous bacteria and viruses that could otherwise cause health problems.

2. Reduce Stress

While a messy home might not sound like a big deal, it can actually cause you a lot of stress. In addition to overloading your senses it can frustrate you when an item is difficult to locate. A disorganized home can also cause you stress by making you feel embarrassed over clutter if a guest were to stop by. Fortunately if you work on keeping your home picked up and tidy, you will likely feel more calm and relaxed.

3. Keeps Pests Away From the House

A messy home is more likely to draw pests in, especially if food or beverages are left out in the open. If you want to deter bugs, insects, or other types of pests, then regular cleaning is essential. However, professionals should still be utilized to help further eliminate this problem. Heavy duty equipment from experts can safely eliminate bug problems in a timely manner, so your home isn’t out of commission for long. Keep bugs away from your belongings by keeping a clean kitchen and avoid taking food into other rooms.

4. Helps Reduce Allergies

A big cause of indoor allergies is dust that's collected on the floor, countertops, fans, cabinets, and shelves. Fortunately regular cleaning, including vacuuming and dusting, can help get rid of much of that dust. As a result, less pet dander, allergens, and even dust mites will be in the air of your home.

With so many advantages of keeping your home clean, it's well worth the time and effort. What's even better is that once this becomes a habit, you're likely to keep up with it without thinking twice. In the future this can mean always having a tidy place that you can enjoy calling home.


About the author: Meghan Belnap is a freelance writer who enjoys spending time with her family. She loves being in the outdoors and exploring new opportunities whenever they arise. Meghan recommends calling in the professional help of Broken Arrow pest control to wrangle in you critter problem. Meghan finds happiness in researching new topics that help to expand her horizons. You can often find her buried in a good book or out looking for an adventure.

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