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Planning Your Luxury Home Exchange Experience

By Guest Author | November 29, 2011

Luxury home exchange enables you to swap houses with another member who is part of your exchange program. This is especially ideal for people who want to travel but don’t want to leave their house empty while they’re gone, or who prefer to stay in a house rather than a hotel while travelling. However, before you pack your bags and head off in search of adventure, you may want to consider the following before advertising your home for luxury exchange.

Luxury home exchange

Luxury home exchanges, the way to better living?

• Clean your house thoroughly. You wouldn’t want to move into a house that is dirty so why leave your luxury home in that condition when you go on exchange? If you don’t have the time to clean it yourself, hire a professional cleaner to ensure that your home is in tip top condition. Keep in mind that you will also need to clean the home you stay in before leaving for the next one.

• You will need to take pictures of your luxury home and vehicles to advertise on the exchange website. You should also list any damage that is present in case whoever stays in your home does damage and claims it was there previously. If there are no images then it is your word against theirs and you may find it difficult to claim financial reimbursement.

• When listing your luxury property for rent in Piccadilly you may want to take out additional insurance to ensure that you are covered for this type of luxury home exchange program. Insurance providers generally do cover this type of exchange provided they have been notified of it first. Keep in mind that by listing your home for exchange, you are giving other people permission to access your home and vehicles so having insurance for these is essential.

• Enquire as to the guarantee that the luxury home exchange program offers. You will need to remove valuables from the property such as jewellery and cash prior to letting your house out on exchange.

• If you have pets make sure to list these on the site, as well what kind of looking after they require. Make sure that you provide a detailed list of instructions on how to handle and care for them. It may be better to enlist the services of a pat carer to ensure that your pets are looked after properly while you are away.

Luxury property exchange programs also provide a fantastic opportunity to view properties around the world such as luxury property for sale in Tuscany, Milan, Japan, and Australia and so on. If you want to travel the world while living in luxury then consider luxury property exchange.

Sally Roberts is a freelance writer who specialises in the luxury property industry.

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