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New Pool Construction On the Rise

By Guest Author | November 30, 2011

The trend is finally taking a turn for the better, new pool construction is on the rise. Since the economic crisis first started the swimming pool industry has taken a huge hit in new pool construction, since people are worried about their jobs and making their mortgage payments, that new pool in the backyard has taken the back seat to survival.

New Pool Construction

Photo courtesy of RC Consulting LLC

Industry experts predict that new pool construction will rise an estimated 12% in 2012, while most of this will be in the commercial sector I believe more people are feeling better about their situation and are ready to invest in themselves again and in their home. More and more people are opting to create a vacation in their backyards a “Staycation” if you will, rather than spend a lot of money on a one or two week vacation that goes by so quickly and then it is over. If you decided to invest in your own pool, you may contact a pool construction company or hire people who know how to use the necessary equipment such as an excavator and specific excavator attachments.

There are several pool types that are available today; here are the main three types you can construct.

  1. Vinyl Lined Pools- ($12,000-$30,000)-These pools are typically a steel wall pool that has a vinyl liner dropped into it for the water proofing. This is the least expensive type of pool to build. This pool will take approximately 30 -60 days to build once all permits are approved.
  2. Fiberglass Pool (as seen above)($20,000- $50,000)- This is a molded shape and design and there are many different shapes and styles to choose from that you can have dropped into an excavated hole that is pre-plumbed and ready to go. Fiberglass pools can be built within a 2 week time frame weather permitting; an inground fiberglass pool is a little more expensive than vinyl but goes in very quickly.
  3. Concrete or Shot Crete Pool ($45,000 -$2,000,000 and above)- This type of pool is also known as a plaster pool. Plaster is the water proofing that is applied to the concrete to make the surface smooth and water tight it also has a tile line above the water level. This version is the best type to have if you are looking for an intricate design or special shape. This pool will be the most expensive type to build.

You may want to hire a consultant to discuss in detail the options available to you and the projected costs as they can vary greatly. You need to find a good fit within your landscape, too big will look overwhelming and too small will look cheap. You can also add a hot tub to the mix, but that is another story.

So as you can see there are choices to be made, but remember that this pool will be around for years to come and you and your family will get loads of enjoyment from it. I feel that life is about the choices we make and family, you do not choose your family and you have your family for life so enjoy them as much as you can.
Until Next Time…
This article was written by Rick the Spa Guy from
Note: Pool pricing is meant to be just a guide and has many factors involved such as region and cost of materials. Check with your local pool professional for current pricing.

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