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Ready For the Market - 4 Quick Tips to Sell Your Home Fast

By Guest Author | May 4, 2016

Selling a home in today's real estate market can take a lot of work. Sure, some hot properties will be snapped right up, but the average home can sit on the market for months before attracting the right buyer. If you need to sell your home fast, here are four strategies you don't want to overlook.


Clean, Clean, Clean

Make no mistake, the cleanliness of your house is a huge factor in how quickly it sells. If buyers are finding cobwebs in the corners and dust on the shelves, they will automatically wonder if you're as slipshod about maintenance as you are cleaning. If you don't have the time to deep-clean the whole house, hire a maid service.

Have Documentation for Routine Maintenance

Gather all of your paperwork and keep it in a binder for potential buyers to peruse. If you've done work yourself, include receipts for equipment rental and materials. Some companies, like South West Plumbing, know that using specialized plumbing equipment can help clear out the main house drain line. If you've replaced furnace filters, painted rooms, resurfaced the floors or laid new tile, include all of it in your documentation binder. Buyers love a well-maintained home.

Get Rid of Undesirable Features

While desirability is often subjective, it's best to make your house attractive to the majority of buyers to get a quick sale. For this reason, you should get rid of potentially undesirable features such as odd-colored walls, psychedelic carpeting and ancient single-pane windows. Consider getting rid of your elderly above-ground pool and run-to-riot flower bed. Ask your real estate agent or a trusted friend about any features you're unsure of so you can make necessarily adjustments.

Sweeten the Deal

If you have an enormous television you really don't want to move anyway or you own a really nice riding mower you won't be needing at your new condo, talk to your agent about add-ins that could sweeten the deal. Potential buyers may appreciate keeping items that seem to go with the house, and you could also greatly reduce your moving costs in the bargain. Tree houses, kids' play equipment, farm equipment, ATVs, big appliances and even art could be added to the deal, if you'e so inclined.

Selling a house quick will take a lot of hard work and some creativity. By keeping these tips in mind, you'll be in position to sell your home swiftly and get a fair price in the process.

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