Are you a real estate agent? Are you intimidated by social media? Are you not sure where to focus your efforts?
Social media is a black hole for some realtors. Here are social media tips that will keep you focused on activities with a high ROI.
The golden rule in social media is the 80/20 rule. 80% of your content should be focused on news, stories of interest, and value. The other 20% of your content should be about your product.
As a realtor, you want your page to provide value. If you only post listings, that’s not going to happen. You need to generate unique content that will drive eyeballs to your page. For instance, you could write an article about how home prices in a certain part of town are booming, while another part of town is growing at the typical rate. Or you could write an article about the firework ordinances in certain cities.
In other words, you want to position yourself as the progenitor of targeted and unique local content. That will drive local traffic to your page, and your brand visibility will increase. Don’t publish content everyone else is publishing. Your customers are all locals (either moving in or out), and they will care about local issues.
As a realtor, you should be on Twitter and Facebook. These are two great platforms to get your name out there. One way to increase engagement on Twitter is to ask questions. For instance, you could ask your followers how often they renovate their home. Or you could ask people about the best part of moving to their new house. These are friendly questions that keep social media social, which is what is should be.
Facebook has made a mint off promoted posts. Basically, you can pay a certain sum to show up in someone’s feed. The best thing about promoted posts is that you can target people by location. These are called geo-centric ads. As a realtor, you’re only selling to people within a certain radius of your office. You don’t want to show your ads to anyone who can’t use them. That’s why you should use geo-targeting in all your Facebook campaigns.
YouTube is a powerful site, because people love video. You know the phrase 'a picture is worth a thousand words'. The idea is that pictures can provide value that an article cannot. Well, the same is true when it comes to videos and pictures. Videos of a house provide value that a mere picture does not.
For instance, taking a sunrise video of the beautiful view of a house on a hill is powerful. That kind of potency can’t be captured in a picture. Likewise, a video tour of a house on your channel is going to draw traffic. Social media and video go together like peanut butter and jelly.
Social media is not what it used to be. To succeed in 2017 and beyond, showing up is not enough. Customers tune out people who don’t provide engaging content.
The good news is that on a local level, the field is ripe. There’s much less competition. Your competition may not have any video tours of a neighborhood. Or the pictures of a neighborhood might be low-quality, and you can provide HD photos. Your goal is to provide the best content you can for your niche market. That’s the way to be authentic and crush social media as a realtor.