Castle Trust UK investments
Real Estate Investing, US Real Estate

Castle Trust Research Shows UK Commercial Property Loss Variable

By Phil Butler | February 7, 2013
Research released late last month form Castle Trust tell of UK commercial property fund investors having lost an average of 11.4% in the last half decade.
International, US Real Estate

UK Land Registry Launches Property Fraud Line

By Allison Halliday | February 7, 2013
The UK Land Registry has just launched a new Property Fraud Line for homeowners. This means anyone who is concerned that property may be subject to a fraudulent sale or mortgage will be able to alert the Land Registry straightaway and can speak to specially trained staff and ask for practical advice on what to do next.
Featured News, Real Estate Resource, US Real Estate

How Property Managers and Multi-Family Employees Can Help Eliminate Human Trafficking

By Guest Author | November 29, 2012
It may be something that you think could never occur on your property or maybe something you, like many Americans may not want to think about. But if there has any been illegal activity on your multifamily property, there's a good chance that those involved may have been involved due to human trafficking.
US Real Estate

Why US Property Owners Should Assess Insurance Needs Regularly

By Guest Author | October 8, 2012
Insurance is vital for owners of property, simply because housing is worth so much money. Recent statistics showed that six percent of homeowners make a claim in the space of just a year – 97 percent of which are related to property damage.
Real Estate, US Real Estate

San Bernardino Troubles Attributed to Decline in Property Taxes

By Allison Halliday | July 14, 2012
The city of San Bernardino is planning to file for chapter 9 bankruptcy protection, as it has seen large numbers of foreclosure activity during the last few years. In May and June the city had the dubious honor of having the third highest foreclosure rate amongst California cities with a population of 200,000 or more.
International, US Real Estate

Scotland Sets up New Scheme to Protect Deposits on Rental Properties

By Allison Halliday | July 3, 2012
Scotland has just set up a new scheme designed to safeguard rental deposits, which came into force just yesterday. The private rental sector in Scotland consists of 273,000 households, which between them have deposits worth more than £75 million, according to Scottish housing minister Keith Brown.
Industry Technology, Product Reviews, Real Estate Investing, Real Estate Resource, Residential

The Zen of Property Management - How LeaseRunner Can Give You Back Your Sanity

By Anita Cooper | March 12, 2012
As promised, RealtyBizNews is updating our readers about the new website, - a web based application designed exclusively for the management of rental properties. Everything, from the lease application all the way to collecting rents is done online, much of it automated
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