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Should You Say Goodbye to the Man Cave Before Selling Your Home?

By Kevin Vitali | July 11, 2023

When selling your home, staging it to appeal to the broadest range of potential Home Buyers can significantly boost its marketability. But what if your home includes a beloved Man Cave?

Let's explore the pros and cons of dismantling this personal sanctuary before placing your home on the market.

Understanding the Man Cave: A Refuge or a Hindrance?

A man cave is the ultimate symbol of personal space and recreational freedom. Be it a Gaming Center, Home Bar, or Home Theater, a man cave is usually designed according to the homeowner's very specific tastes.

The whole point is to create a space tailored to someone's interests and personality.

The Argument for Dismantling: Depersonalization and Versatility

In the world of real estate, there is a concept called Depersonalization. It involves removing personal touches from a home, making it easier for potential buyers to envision themselves living there.

I like to tell home sellers to take the home out of the house.

We aren't selling your taste, style and belongings, all of which make it a home. We are selling the features and benefits of a house for a buyer to make into their own home. When your house is all about "YOU", it is hard for buyers to take mental ownership of a home and see it as theirs.

Versatility Attracts Buyers

The more versatile your space, the more potential buyers you may attract. A room dedicated to a specific function may seem wasted to buyers who don't share that interest.

Typically, man spaces are overly stylized and are packed with stuff. When it comes to selling, less is more.

A man cave may not show off the versatility of a room and be dismissed by buyers.

Staging to Sell

Staging a home to sell often includes neutral decor and minimal personal items. By its nature, a man cave is a deeply personal space that may clash with staging principles.

Typically, man spaces are overly stylized and are packed with stuff. When it comes to selling, less is more.

A man cave may not show off the versatility of a room and be dismissed by buyers. Often it is best to significantly pair down a man cave and show it as a more generalized space. Think about converting it into a family room or office.... a space that may appeal more to most buyers viewing your home.

A Deeper Dive into the Man Cave Dilemma

It's worth noting that the concept of the man cave is not one that every potential home buyer may subscribe to. The concept, often seen as a space dedicated to traditionally male hobbies and interests, may not resonate with all potential buyers. It could turn off many.

The Perception of the Man Cave

The "man cave" isn't restricted to men despite the name. It's a versatile space that can serve as a hobby room, game room, or relaxation area. The name 'Man Cave' is more of a cultural construct, indicating a space designed for leisure activities and personal interests.

Addressing Stereotypes

While the term "man cave" may seem exclusionary, it's worth remembering that the space is versatile. When marketing your home, consider using a term that encapsulates this versatility. Words like "family room," "entertainment center," or "game room" might be less divisive. And tone down the decor on what makes it a "man cave"

Think about this.

Your man cave is all about hunting and fishing and you have mounted trophies. A potential buyer may have a real problem with killing animals for sport.


A single woman is looking to buy and she is not interested in your poker table, craft beer display and your love of fine cigars. There's a small chance she might love it. But there's a bigger chance she will hate it and see it as a major project to convert to something she would enjoy.

You would best be served by converting it to a more generalized space that presents options to your home buyers.

The Argument Against Dismantling: Unique Selling Proposition and Personal Touches

On the other hand, a well-designed man cave can add to your Property Value and even become a unique selling proposition, especially if you have a large home and space was not sacrificed for your man cave.

Unique Selling Proposition

A tastefully executed man cave can set your home apart from countless other properties on the market. It can provide a unique selling point that might clinch the deal.

Adding a Personal Touch

While depersonalization is common, some real estate professionals believe personal touches can help a home feel lived-in and welcoming.

In conclusion, whether you should dismantle your man cave before marketing your home depends on your specific circumstances and market conditions. Consult with a local listing agent may provide the best insight into what will work for your home.


1. Does a man cave increase property value? The impact of a man cave on property value can vary based on the quality of its execution and the preferences of potential buyers.

2. Should I remove personal items when staging my home? Generally, depersonalizing your space can help potential buyers envision themselves living there. However, a balance should be struck between making a home too bland and maintaining its inviting atmosphere.

3. Can a man cave be repurposed easily? Yes, most man caves can be easily repurposed into a general living space, game room, or home office.

4. How can I make my man cave appeal to buyers? Consider toning down overly specific or niche elements of your man cave. Aim for a balance between personality and versatility.

5. What if I don't want to dismantle my man cave? If you're attached to your man cave, consider marketing it as a flexible space. Emphasize its potential to serve as a media room, home office, or hobby space.

6. Do all buyers appreciate a man cave? Buyer preferences vary. While some may appreciate a man cave, others may see it as a space to renovate. Knowing your target buyer demographic can help inform your decision.

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About Kevin: Kevin has been a full time agent for almost 18 years.Kevin works the Haverhill MA Real Estate market as well as Essexand Northern Middlesex Counties in Massachusetts.Kevin is a regular blogger who enjoys educating consumers about how to make the most of their next home purchase or sale.Kevin can be reached at 978-360-0422.
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