5 cloud security measures that are great for your business

It doesn’t matter if your business is big or small, hackers will attack any network they think they can get into.

The Use of Cloud Technology in Real Estate

Cloud technology plays an important role in facilitating transactions between agents and buyers, making it a new popular trend in real estate.

Moving to the Cloud? You need a Plan

Are you considering moving your data from hard drives and paper files to a service that will store information in a place that is accessible online?

Using Sugarsync as a Backup for your Real Estate Data

Sugarsync is an online service that requires a download of their software, but once that’s done, your important files will be kept in sync between your computer and the online versions.

Is It Time For Real Estate Pros To Bid Adios’ to BYOD?

BYOD has been a double-edged sword for the real estate industry, with both benefits and complications for agents and their broker partners. Should you BYOD or explore some of the new technology options available?

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