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Memphis, TN, Foreclosures Spike As Bank Settlement Takes Hold

By Donna S. Robinson | June 27, 2012
Now that the official settlement of the "robo-signing" scandal has been completed, and banks are getting back to business as usual, foreclosures in Memphis are beginning to spike significantly. According to an article by local Memphis real estate broker, Joe Spake, which appears on his blog at the "Memphis Real Estate Buzz" Year-To-Date, foreclosures in Memphis are up 35.4% over 2011.
Featured News, US Real Estate

Nashville Suffers Worst February Sales In Forever

By Phil Butler | March 21, 2011
In real estate news from Nashville, Tennessee, the market there took its worst hit in 10 years when home sales went through the basement in February. According to a report from The Tennessean, home sales feel over 12% compare to February, 2010. A report from the Greater Nashville Association of Realtors showed homebuyer interest in Nashville at an all time low.
Featured News, Residential

The Home Investment Dichotomy

By Joe Spake | March 4, 2011
We have been hammered with news stories over the past couple of years about the part of the American Dream that has to do with home ownership. Is home ownership still an aspiration, or is it just looked upon as another bad investment? Constant hype by the real estate industry, over decades, that homes are good INVESTMENTS, brought exhilaration in the real estate market as the investment factor drove it right up to the precipice, and malaise as the market tumbled down.
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