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The Main Factors That Impact on Window Replacement Cost.

By Jamie Richardson | July 3, 2019

You are planning to carry out window replacement this year. Congratulations! One main thing that gives you a headache is when you think about the cost of replacing your windows. We understand cost is the main thing that makes many homeowners postpone the idea of replacing their windows.

Two workers are mounting a window in the house. Men are using a screwdriver and a rotary drill.

However, before you start your window replacement project, you can gauge the cost of window replacement using various factors. Whether you are working out this cost alone or with your contractor, here are some factors you should consider to come up with an affordable budget for replacement windows.

  1. The Material Utilised for Window Frames.

One main factor that affects window replacement cost is the type of material that has been used to manufacture the window frame. There are various window frames materials such as wood, fibreglass, vinyl and aluminium. Each of these options has its advantages and disadvantages. For instance, wood is aesthetically appealing, durable, but it requires a lot of maintenance to maintain it looking appealing and functional. Vinyl, on the other hand, is cheap, energy efficient and easy to maintain. Fibreglass is aesthetically appealing and durable, but expensive.

Your contractor can help you understand the pros and cons of different window materials and what impacts they have in terms of pricing of different window styles. You aim to choose a window style that provides practical benefits but at the same time, being affordable.

  1. Custom Vs. Standard Windows.

Perhaps all your windows in your house are all standard sizes. You are lucky. That is beautiful because it implies that you can get windows with ease since stand windows are mass produced.

However, if your windows are not standard, you will need to get custom windows during window replacement. That usually involves the window installer taking measurements of the window opening and creating a window that can fit that particular window opening. Or the already manufactured windows can be delivered to the site and then customised to fit the window opening.

Because of the labour needed to install custom windows, the window installation cost for custom windows is usually higher than that of custom windows. For standard windows, you save on costs on labour because no modifications are required.

  1. The Type of Glass Used.

The type of glass utilised for the window panes will determine the price for windows. The windows can either be fitted with triple, double or single panes. All these windows will offer varying advantages, and therefore, they are priced differently. For instance, double and triple pane windows come filled with argon and krypton gasses within the panes, which adds a layer of insulation, hence enhancing their energy efficiency.

That is not the case in single pane windows which provides less insulation and energy efficiency. As you would expect, the cost for double and triple pane windows would be higher than that of single pane windows.

  1. The Coating.

If you want your windows to be added another layer, that implies you would have to pay more. The advantages of coating for windows is that the added layer minimises heat and cold transference through the window glass.

Many homeowners take coating as an optional thing to do, but they are ignorant of the fact that coating pays for itself in the long run. That is in the form of the money saved on energy bills since it makes your home energy efficient.

  1. Window Designs.

With so many window replacement designs and styles, you expect that each design will be different and that difference is also reflected in its cost. While it is easy to get simple and cheap window designs, don't rely on price alone as the only factor to consider when choosing windows. Remember sometimes cheap can be expensive in the long run.

So, it is important to talk with your window installer to tell you about various windows style available in the market and advice you which is the best for your home. However, remember the final decision will come from you. With relevant information, you will be able to strike the right balance between window installation cost, curb appeal and durability.

Jamie is a 5-year freelance writer who enjoys real estate. He is currently a Realty Biz News Contributor.
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